
  1. GeorgeH

    Williams SS Recreation BAM FizX FP Medieval Madness (Williams, 1997) (FizX 3.3)

    GeorgeH submitted a new resource: Medieval Madness (Williams, 1997) (FizX 3.3) - This updates versions by Slamt1lt and Flug with SSF, FizX, new graphics and other new features. Read more about this resource...
  2. GeorgeH

    Williams SS Recreation BAM FizX FP Medieval Madness (Williams, 1997) (FizX 3.3) v1.03

    Although Medieval Madness was not a huge commercial success at launch, it quickly became a fan favorite and is now widely considered one of the greatest pinball machines of all time. The game features a medieval theme combined with modern elements and tongue-in-cheek humor. It was designed by...
  3. Anthias

    SS Original Table BAM FizX FP Billiard Queen (Original) v1.0

    Billiard Queen was a comic I started drawing about 25 years ago. When FP launched, it was among the first tables themes I considered for the platform. A promo poster was in the game room on the the first version of Flame Reaper. Sadly the initial concept layout in FP as well as pretty much all...
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