by Unclewilly
at 2006-01-24
Type Recreation (real pinball)
Manufacturer Lindstrom Tool and Toy Company (1932-1934)
Date 1932-1934
IPD No. 4893
Rules are displayed with the R key.
The Origional rules sheet is displayed with O key
7 for a standard 7 ball game.
by tiltjlp
IPD No. 5522
This version of Lindstroms Poker plays like the original bagatelle. I plan for a Deluxe version that will tarck winning hands and award bonuses,
Lindstroms Poker is an ambitious bagatelle made between the 1930s and 1950s. This probably was a very successful home sale...
Rules are displayed with the R key.
The Original rules sheet is displayed with O key
7 for a standard 7 ball game.
10 for a standard 10 ball bag. game
Nesting Birds / IPD No. 4893 / 1934 / 1 Player
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