
  1. romolo2002

    VP9 EM Recreation The Three Musketeers (Rally, 1964)

    romolo2002 submitted a new resource: The Three Musketeers (Rally a.k.a. 1964) - Unlike the novel from the Alexandre Dumas, the main characters in this backglass are all women. Read more about this resource...
  2. romolo2002

    VP9 EM Recreation The Three Musketeers (Rally, 1964) v1.0

    Recreation in Vp 9.9.5 of "The Three Musketeers (Rally a.k.a. 1964)". The Three Musketeers / IPD No. 4392 / 1964 / 2 Players This table is free to be edited/modded/published.
  3. spookyMoulder

    Original Table Support File Rally Pinball Playfield 1

    I found this playfield last year I was just looking at pinball pictures and saw it online if anyone has the time to make it for Visual Pinball or Future Pinball I did also find 2 textures that would fit the game for its plastics I was thinking of making a mountain with race cars. It could be a...
  4. eduguitar72

    VP9 EM Recreation Landing on Venus (Rally, 1965) VP9 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Landing on Venus (Rally, 1965) by eduguitar1972 IPDB No. 3205 A very nice and classic french pinball from Rally. https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/media/landing-on-venus-rally-1965-jpr-ikes.8670/ https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/media/landing-on-venus-rally-1965.8669/
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