ruffler & walker

  1. druadic

    VP9 Flipperless Recreation 2 in 1 two VP9 (Bryan's 1954 10 Cup Allwin, Ruffler & Walkers 1950's Earth Satellite) VP9 v1.1 2020-01-28

    2in1twoVP9 Two Allwin machines from the 1950's on one screen. Both can be played at the same time. Updated and fixed plunger maximum speed to play on VP9 and cleaned up various playfield problems. Plays nicely!
  2. druadic

    VP9 Flipperless Recreation 2 in 1 TWO for VP9!

    Bryans "Four Square" Allwin Machine and Ruffler/Walker Earth Satellite, both 1950's. Two Allwin machines on the same screen. Can play separately or both at once. Updated the plunger release speed and fixed various playfield problems. Enjoy.
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