
  1. eduguitar72

    VP9 EM Recreation Jarama (Centro Matic S.A., of Spain, 1973) 1.1

    Jarama / IPD No. 6670 / 1 Player Curious and original Spanish pinball whose name Jarama is an old and emblematic historical F1 circuit. I have really enjoyed restoring the complicated graphics of the few existing photos of it and making the lap counter that gives a very original touch to the...
  2. N

    VPX EM Recreation Faces (Sonic, 1976) VPX by Nestorgian v1.4.5

    Faces (1976) is the first pinball released under the SONIC brand, and they exported a lot. It's one of the most beautiful EM pinballs ever made by Sonic. Its combination of colors and lights makes it highly appreciated by EM fans, especially amongst American fans, where it sold very well. The...
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