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Seeds planted directly into rock wool on Wednesday afternoon, May 8 (New Moon)…

Rock wool soaked in tap water with a dash of H2O2, pH corrected to 5.5, then shaken to remove excess water.

Five, baby Bruce Banner. :rasta:

Ain't they cute...


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They look cute now, but wait until they get older!
In other news, guess which one of the many, many reasons my new leasing company can choose to evict me without a moment's notice. :s
Surely you can claim a medical exemption?
Transferred to their DWC forever home yesterday…

That’s most of the hard work done, cleaning and sanitising the containers and air stones, the lugging of 10x15 litre buckets of water, pH corrected with nutrients and a dose of H2O2 to each tote just to be sure.


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Surely you can claim a medical exemption?
Nope; it's explicitly stated "medical exemptions will not be accepted."

Frankly It's the most Draconian document I've ever signed, and hence part of why I was shitting bricks there, stress through the roof.

At the same time I don't feel specifically targeted. I get along nicely with my neighbors and the gals in the leasing office, but it seems like restrictive documents like these are more & more the rule, at least in the States. So pretty much some late-stage capitalism stuff, I'm afraid.
Nope; it's explicitly stated "medical exemptions will not be accepted."

Seems unreasonable and most likely unlawful, though hopefully you won't have to prove that.
With tiny powers come insane responsibilities. :spiderman:

Hmm, I'm not sure. I think it's more akin to a restaurant or business entertaining your presence as long as you abide by their code of conduct. I.e., you don't have a legal right to be there just because you're a former customer. While I guess it's rare for them to throw you out in the exact middle of your meal, they can indeed hasten things along, make sure you get the service you're paying for, then get you out the door with the advice: "don't come back here." If you come back anyway, they can rightfully call the police and explain that they're no longer a paying customer and aren't welcome there.

With the lease situation, it's similar. The rental agency can legally void my lease, allow me to stay through the most recent month paid for, and begin eviction proceedings. Once that runs its course there's nothing I can do to stay AFAIK. Because they can void my lease in any of 1,000 ways, I'm the one who signed the document, and I'm the one who broke the rule. Okay, maybe a lawyer can get involved, but there's probably a load more expense, and now I'm on their shitlist. Really not worth it.

The other thing is that in this state (much like others), laws regarding cannabis aren't necessarily as clear-cut as most people want. For example, as a dispensary, I understand that you can be 100% in compliance at the state-level but get raided by the feds and your business shut down. And vice-versa, I think.
The other thing is that in this state (much like others), laws regarding cannabis aren't necessarily as clear-cut as most people want. For example, as a dispensary, I understand that you can be 100% in compliance at the state-level but get raided by the feds and your business shut down. And vice-versa, I think.

Federal law does supercede State law.
It is still illegal according to Federal law. (Although I think I heard they were trying to overturn this Federal law.)
I am pretty sure the dispensaries are State run, (At least here in Washington State)
The states get huge amounts of revenue from this "cash crop", pardon the pun.
Probably the only reason the states legalized it, was for the tax revenue.
I don't think they will let feds take away their new found money maker.

We are talking billions of dollars.
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It does seem like the amount of illegal raids on dispensaries has slowed way down under Biden. As a matter of fact, he seems to have begun reclassifying it just today from a schedule I drug (as in equal or more dangerous than heroin, fentanyl and meth, i.e. completely ridiculous) to schedule III, a drug with known benefits.

“Look folks, no one should be in jail for merely using or possessing marijuana. Period,” Biden said in Thursday’s video, his third time speaking extensively on the topic since his directive two years ago.


All this will quite possibly likely be reversed if the orange lunatic gets elected this coming November. States' revenues are great and all, but the for-profit prison industry is also pretty great, and under Project 2025 the USA will be well on its way to a dictatorship. In that case, expect a bunch of citizens' & states' rights to be greatly eroded.

I wish I was joking about all that...
It does seem like the amount of illegal raids on dispensaries has slowed way down under Biden. As a matter of fact, he seems to have begun reclassifying it just today from a schedule I drug (as in equal or more dangerous than heroin, fentanyl and meth, i.e. completely ridiculous) to schedule III, a drug with known benefits.

All this will quite possibly likely be reversed if the orange lunatic gets elected this coming November. States' revenues are great and all, but the for-profit prison industry is also pretty great, and under Project 2025 the USA will be well on its way to a dictatorship. In that case, expect a bunch of citizens' & states' rights to be greatly eroded.

I wish I was joking about all that...

I don't think it will matter who is president now or in the future.
The states will never let the federal government take away their newly found tax revenue.
I don't think it will matter who is president now or in the future.
The states will never let the federal government take away their newly found tax revenue.
The problem with dictatorships is that they tend to strip away the rights and powers of structures under them, which would include states sooner or later.

If the money's there (and of course it is), the lion's share of it will eventually flow to the very top, whether it's via cannabis taxes or prison industry.

I sincerely advise any American citizen to read the analysis and various discussion of how Project 2025 will change the United States. This will no longer be the same country, and we likely won't even have the chance to elect centrists like Biden anymore.
They said the same thing before Trump was president, that he was a dictator, and the country did just fine.
Okay, then can you show me what reputable body of political analysts at the time said that Trump was already a dictator in 2016? I'll wait.

And NOOO!, the country absolutely DID NOT do "just fine" under Trump. In fact it was a complete shit-show for the ages, as not just *us*, but the body of political scholars found: https://www.google.com/search?q=presidential+scholars+trump+worst+president

Point is-- it was in fact the OPPOSITE, as actual facts & reality continue to support.

Indeed, Trump's administration was also one of the most corrupt in USA's history (surpassing even Nixon's I believe?)

(need links?)

They said he was going to ruin our country. Didn't happen.

On the contrary, he absolutely did worsen democracy in the USA. Trump's first administration (for anyone paying attention really) was a complete, flaming disaster for anyone who understands even a smidgen of politics & reality.

One example out of VERY many is how Trump, with the help of McConnel before him, managed to stack the supreme court with white nationalists, such as Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett, previously stonewalling a completely legit center-right candidate FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR under Obama, i.e. Merrick Garland.

Just look at how those latest candidates specifically pledged to uphold Roe vs. Wade in their congressional discourses, then COMPLETELY betrayed that trust, recently.

This is not even to speak of what a complete traitor to democracy nakedly right-winger justice Thomas has been; he and his wife, in fact. Would you like some specific links as to their completely hypocritical & traitorous actions?

They said he would lead us into nuclear war. Didn't happen.
Bro, that's been said about almost every candidate since early in the cold war.


They said he would ruin economy. Didn't happen.
Not that I'm an economist, but it actually DID, yes.
Remember when Trump dismantled the preventative disease task force early in?

Remember when a rogue coronavirus (which Xi did everything he could to suppress news about from day one) changed-up pretty much everything from 2020-on?

Corollary such as housing market predation, housing prices artificially rising, and why food costs almost *DOUBLE* today what it did only a few years ago?

These are mostly symptoms of a lack of regulations at the state & federal level which otherwise tend to happen in a healthy, functioning democracy, Charles.

Do you want to know why those things have been eroded so badly, leading us to why life in the States (and arguably other nations) has gotten so increasingly f'd up & more costly in recent decades? Well, think money! Money, money, money, money and those who pursue it, and how it buys votes, and how it cripples regulations over time.

At the end of the day-- it takes an informed, regular voting base to preserve a solid democracy, or didn't you know that?

TBH, I don't think we even have that in the USA, anymore.
As in-- people no longer fundamentally understand the actual tenets of democracy, and just assume that they have 'automatic democratic rights.'

LOL, no,
that's not how it actually works
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Informed by who?
Uh... the best experts across every field of discipline, relevant to the discussion?

I don't believe anything they say now!
You could post 1,000 links that say how bad Trump is, and I won't believe any of them.
That bridge has been burned.
#1 WHO burned that bridge, exactly?

#2 Because you're more than smart-enough to read and understand the science, but deliberately choose NOT TO, is that it...?
Uh... the best experts across every field of discipline, relevant to the discussion?

#1 WHO burned that bridge, exactly?

#2 Because you're more than smart-enough to read and understand the science & facts, but deliberately choose NOT TO DO SO, is that it...?
Now you know comparing apples to oranges never works, and in this case neither the mouldy old apple pie nor the out of date orange marmalade seem like a good idea...:bonk:

Now onto something more productive...

One week later from above and below. :rasta:


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I love the "Tote" setup you are using! Pretty cool, and easily movable!
Look at those fat Indica leaves!
Bruce Banner on average, it is composed of approximately 60% indica and 40% sativa genetics.

The genetics are OG Kush x Strawberry Diesel.

My fave is OG Kush, so I am sold on it right there!
Developed by "Dark Horse Genetics", an offshoot of the comic book company? lol
One week later from above and below. :rasta:
Are those bubbles I see in the water?
Oxygenized water, like a fish tank would have?
Are those bubbles I see in the water?
Oxygenized water, like a fish tank would have?

These are 100 litre totes from the local hardware giant here Bunnings, with 4 inch nett cups with 4 inch round flat air stone discs connected to a 25w air pump that runs 24/7 to keep the nutrient solution oxygenated, this keeps the roots from drowning whilst providing the maximum amount of nutrient, water and oxygen that they can consume. :geek:
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Well maybe we all should just believe you, and your scientific links that are of course all factual?
The all knowing wise person on all of these political matters?
It's been a rough week health-wise, but I'm back for a moment.

And... wow... okay.

Okay, dude.
Message received (and all the others), loud and clear.
You can't have a story without pictures, so...

5 days later, just 5 minutes ago, the growth factor has hit second gear. :dance:


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