SS Original Table FP Aliens Legacy - ULTRA Edition

Solid State Machines
Future Pinball


Pinball Imagineer
Sep 23, 2009
Reaction score
Favorite Pinball Machine
Alien Legacy ULTRA Edition
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Awesome looking and sounding table.

Can't wait to insert coins into this one.
Though that left lane shot should have made it up the lane (those spinners are like ball bats sometimes aren't they) this is the best looking FP table as far as play action I have ever seen. As far as the look of the model, perfect. I hope you can find a trick to replace the spinner. A holograph perhaps?

I have had the latest build of FP sitting on my computer with an empty table folder for a long time. This might be the first table that the table folder is not just a resting spot on the way to the trash bin.
Since a release thread was made for this, I've provided DL links in the OP. Cheers.
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