Anyone going to Yegpin (Canada's largest pinball event) next week?


Pinball Wizard
Jan 11, 2024
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Scared Stiff
Some friends and I (and my Dad) are planning to go on the Friday. I was just wondering if anyone from the site was also planning on attending.

JUNE 20TH – 23RD, 2024​


Just a wee bit far to get to from Ottawa :)
Just a wee bit far to get to from Portugal... Actually, it might be the roughly the same time from here as it is from Terry's and I have a pond to cross!
"Small world" they say. Right :D
Just a wee bit far to get to from Arkansas, USA but I would like to go.
Just a wee bit far to get to from Arkansas, USA but I would like to go.
So would I. Been a long time since I have been to Edmonton (Was raised there) But tied up here in BC, so alas... Maybe next year.
Wee bit far from SW UK :lol:
Well, I will try to take some pics and footage. I wonder if there will be any virtual pinball tables? The pinball purists might not like it :)

We had one at our Ottawa Pinball Expos a few years back. Sadly the guy wasn't the best tech expert and didnt realize he had a horrible TV for his playfield that had the worst delay I've seen in my life. It was a "professional display" that you couldn't change any settings on. It was so bad. Unplayable.

Lots of people were interested in it though.
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