Authors, why do you make tables?


PN co-founder
Jun 9, 2003
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Favorite Pinball Machine
Flying Trapeze 1934
Sure, this poll is a bit limited in that it's only open to authors, although players who hope to or plan to become authors can also voice their thoughts too. There are probably dozens of possible reasons that authors make table, and specifically the particular tables they make. For some it might be an ego boost, for others a creative outlet, still others may enjoy the challenge. For me, it's a combination of all those things, plus a sense of history.

So what I'd like would be not only for authors to mark the poll choices, but to post a short explaination of why you got started, your motivation, and what keeps you making and releasing tables. I got started because Druadic/Will, got tired of hearing all my ideas, and basically told me to put up or shut up. Through working with a series of partners, I've finally gotten to the point where I can actually get some tables finished on my own. And I make flipperless and counter tops mainly because those are my favorites, and if I dind't make them, there wouldn't be very many of them to play.

Can I answer all of the above?

There are a hell of a lot of tables which are not reproduced and we will need a lot of authors to do it, so I thought I'd join in. It didn't look that hard and, although there are some real challenges I haven't found it too hard to make tables.

I must admit though, that the latest table - a flipperless, is looking like the hardest yet. I thought a nice simple old table would be easier. I don't even have to work out the flipper dynamics. At the moment I haven't worked on it for a couple of days and I'm contemplating totally changing the way it's made after seeing the videos JonPH sent me. I think I'm going to have to move the playfield on to a wall so I can put things under the playfield. This, along with the turntable which moves in the middle will make this a slow project I think. I need to do some experiments such as: can I put a ramp on a drop wall, can I put a kicker on a ramp, can I put a kicker on a drop wall. These and other questions will determine how well I can replicate how the real machine works. Those mechanical tricks can be hard to emulate!

I have some tables I would like to reproduce but, to me, the limiting factor is graphics. Tables look like crap with low resolution graphics. I think this will be a bit of a limiting factor for FP as it renders the tables in higher resolution and as such demands better graphics. That said, if the better graphics just aren't available, reproductions with low res graphics are acceptable just to document the machine. I see it a bit like the aspect of the MAME project which is to retain the old video games. Part of the VP/VPinMAME project is to preserve the tables for posterity. The real things won't last forever.

I've tended to work solo as I find it easier. The whole idea of making half a table and then sending it to sdomeone else to write the script is a bit difficult for me as I am thinking of the script implications when setting up the graphics. Those who make joint tables are to be congratulated as I reckon it would actually be harder. The one thing I don't think I'll ever do is VPM tables - I don't understand the link between the programmes (to be honest I've never really looked at it) and there are a much higher proportion of preSS tables to be reproduced. I reckon we are doing well for VPM authors and we need the work done on VP tables from the EM and earlier eras.

I like a challenge and working out the problems inherant in reproducing a 3D electronic and mechanical machine on a 2D computer screen which has no physical aspect is quite a challenge. It makes you think laterally which is always good exercise for the old grey matter. If it wasn't fun I wouldn't do it.

I have thought that to make a table it was difficult.
To succeed would have been for me happening.
They were passes various years to you from my last program (Basic). Subsequently the motivations are changed.
I have tried to realize the pinball of my infancy.
Sure times I have lived again the emotions then.
My first one pinball entitled Carlo like my son.
Is be freed the 8-8-2003 day of its birthday.
But my son does not appreciate the pinball very.
The tables to which they are more several legacy for reasons are:
Armonia (orig)
Image (orig)
Happy Days
Hi lo
Auto Race
Struggle Buggies deluxe
Saluti dall'Italia
Well for me foremost it was to try and give back something to a community and program that has given me much joy over the years, so I made a couple of originals as best I could, I actually like playing them more then building them. Though I do like to dabble with the editor and most of those other factors come into play there. Creativity for sure, that's why I do originals, with original layouts and scripted from scratch, though I do steal the graphics and sounds from the web. Ego yes that works, though it's only a small and fleeting sensation. I don't love the challange, though meet it with some personal pride and satisfation on the completion of a table. Doesn't keep me off the streets and as for historical, not really, though I guess creating TheGyruss may have some historical value, dunno?

So there ya go,
Thanks for your replies fellows. I though I had covered every possible reason, but can see that I could have listed quite a few more. I had wanted to understand our authors a bit better, and I think I do. Each of you is an author I respect, and I've actually learned something from each of you. And it doesn't surprise me that the shortest reply probably speaks the loudest.

I make tables that I like to play. I like the old tables, but they always seem to play to slow for me on the pc. Basically I find a table layout that I like and mod it into a theme I like and set everything to my preferences. Seems kind of selfish doesn't it? I guess the reason I make tables is to have some tables that I like to play and I really like my tables and sometimes when I haven't played one for awhile and I load it up, I can't believe how much I like it. If you other authors would make some tables that I liked, then I wouldn't need to make anymore. I mean seriously, why can't you guys make some decent Add-a-ball tables and throw some Marvel comics art on the table? How many freakin recreations do we need? For crying out loud, use some damn imagination and humor and make a fun table once in awhile. Jerks...

bob said:
I make tables that I like to play. I like the old tables, but they always seem to play to slow for me on the pc. Basically I find a table layout that I like and mod it into a theme I like and set everything to my preferences. Seems kind of selfish doesn't it? I guess the reason I make tables is to have some tables that I like to play and I really like my tables and sometimes when I haven't played one for awhile and I load it up, I can't believe how much I like it. If you other authors would make some tables that I liked, then I wouldn't need to make anymore. I mean seriously, why can't you guys make some decent Add-a-ball tables and throw some Marvel comics art on the table? How many freakin recreations do we need? For crying out loud, use some damn imagination and humor and make a fun table once in awhile. Jerks...


So. let me get this right Bob. If I redo Reactions Bagatelle with a laugh track and Spiderman graphics you'd like it? Because it's already an add-a-ball, with no limit to how many extra balls you can win. And I'll have you know I'm not a joke, I'm a clown. :p

tiltjlp said:
And I'll have you know I'm not a joke, I'm a clown. :p


With those feet.... What else could you be? :shock:
Is that a request bob?

Actually what do ya think X-Men or maybe the Punisher? I've got resources for both...

Hey maybe we could team up, now that would be amusing. :D

I thought I'd reopen this thread from 5 years ago, to see if more authors will post these reasons and motivation for making tables. Since I've returned to VP, I've finally started using VP9, and with learning the new features, I find that I enjoy problem solving. Being housebound, it also keeps me out of my recliner, and breaks up what could be very boring days.
I make tables with themes i enjoy! I havea very over-active imagination ( I used to run my own d20 based D&D type system complete with my own sheets and rules for over 20 years!) gamers here will understand the immense undertaking that is to create worlds, with story lines and to be able to make up that stuff on the fly! So with all that crap running around in my head i had to find a release for it. i used to build levels for Dungeon Seige and Neverwinter Nights but when my computer blew up 2 years ago I lost interest and found online pinball! I knew I had to get my ideas out here so I build what ever I want to satisfy ME! then I share them with you guys!
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