BAM BAM Update v317

I put the pup-pack back and disabled the PinEvent pup options as you instructed. No PuP screens are showing up. I also reinstalled BAM as instructed by you all.

It's still hanging up at "Found:DarthVadar".The Future Pinball loading screen closes before going to "Searching for Models" then "Found:DarthVadar". I press alt +tab keys and it shows the FP loading screen with the Microsoft Visual ++ error. The bottom of the FP loading screen shows "Processing Registry Entries"
It may not help but when I make a change like that I found that deleting the fpRam file for the table sometimes helps fix things.

Something I wondered about. For Custom Models and mini playfields.... How is performance affected when a Custom Model or mini playfield is set to a scale of 0, versus setting the custom model to visible = false?

I didn't realize I could have used visible = false for Custom models when I made SW DSA Epic Space Battles. I just made the mini playfields set to scale of 0.

I've also been "hiding" custom models inside the cabinet or beneath the "floor" for my Halloween update.

Would it be more efficient to set a custom model to visible = false? Is the model being "rendered" still in each case (mp scale = 0, custom model scale = 0, visible = false) and affecting the gpu?

It may not help but when I make a change like that I found that deleting the fpRam file for the table sometimes helps fix things.
Thanks for the suggestion George. Unfortunately it didn't help. Still hanging up on "Searching for Models"
Thanks for the suggestion George. Unfortunately it didn't help. Still hanging up on "Searching for Models"

If you have another HDD... try installing FP-BAM to that drive, copy the table file over and PinEvent vbs files there where they belong (Scripts folder), and see if it works from there. Some people got it to work doing this. Again... probably a result of FP-BAM being blocked or restricted by Windows somehow.
If you have another HDD... try installing FP-BAM to that drive, copy the table file over and PinEvent vbs files there where they belong (Scripts folder), and see if it works from there. Some people got it to work doing this. Again... probably a result of FP-BAM being blocked or restricted by Windows somehow.
I do have other external drive and will try that Terry. I'm curious though, why would only this table have anything blocked? I've totally shut down Windows Defender (and make sure it's still shut down after any Windows updates and I'm always checking to make sure it's shut down) and only run Norton. I have Norton setup to unblock everything on that drive. I've also tried running the table with Norton shut down entirely.
I can only tell you what others have tried. I've never had a problem running any table.

BAM's newer features may somehow be seen as doing something Windows doesn't like somehow. Who knows...
And I don't have a problem running any other table, including all the other pinevent tables, just this one. So are you saying that maybe the advanced features in this table are using some of BAM's newer features that none of the other tables are using?

I forget to add before that I already have everything installed and running from an external HDD, but I'll try running it from a second external HDD.
Yes, this table uses Custom Models and newer lighting features that none of the other tables used.
And loading custom Models appears to be where the the table is hanging up. Also appears that it's something that C++ doesn't like because that's the error I finally get.

Something I wondered about. For Custom Models and mini playfields.... How is performance affected when a Custom Model or mini playfield is set to a scale of 0, versus setting the custom model to visible = false?

I didn't realize I could have used visible = false for Custom models when I made SW DSA Epic Space Battles. I just made the mini playfields set to scale of 0.

I've also been "hiding" custom models inside the cabinet or beneath the "floor" for my Halloween update.

Would it be more efficient to set a custom model to visible = false? Is the model being "rendered" still in each case (mp scale = 0, custom model scale = 0, visible = false) and affecting the gpu?

View attachment 15681
General rule about performance. Don't ask, just do benchmark.

If model don't have animation, it will don't make big difference. There is very little work to do on CPU side to draw and GPU is efficient in removing not visible objects.

If model have animation it will be better to disable it.

Another way to look at problem: if you have one object and it is sometimes visible, sometimes not, you don't want to see performance difference. Switching between 30 & 60 FPS will be more annoying than constant 30FPS.

... and another way: if you have 10 models and only 1 is visible at time, when it is better to disable 9 not visible models.
I did 2015 2017 and 2019 and then x86 and x64. Am I supposed to do any years before that? And I don't see anything about 32 bit?

Oh gramps... :)

x86 = 32 bit

Yes, you should do all the other years and service packs, to be sure you have them all installed, just in case (x86 and x64 for all, then reboot). Many PC games will install these during their own install just incase your system doesn't have them. Having only the newer years installed isn't enough for all games.
Oh gramps... :)

x86 = 32 bit

Yes, you should do all the other years and service packs, to be sure you have them all installed, just in case (x86 and x64 for all, then reboot). Many PC games will install these during their own install just incase your system doesn't have them. Having only the newer years installed isn't enough for all games.
LMAO ! I've only been doing computer stuff (building networking programming etc) since the mid 70's. That's one brain cell that's been destroyed for sure. I know you want to bash my stubborn head in, but if I didn't think this (and all your other creations) was such an awesome table, I would have given up LONG ago! Thanks for hanging in there with me.
LMAO ! I've only been doing computer stuff (building networking programming etc) since the mid 70's. That's one brain cell that's been destroyed for sure. I know you want to bash my stubborn head in, but if I didn't think this (and all your other creations) was such an awesome table, I would have given up LONG ago! Thanks for hanging in there with me.

This link has a much nicer "all in one" installer for every Visual C++ you'd need.

That was MUCH nicer TerryRed! Thank you. I really had high hope for that. Unfortunately, still getting the C++ error :(
Still don't have new Star Wars working, but Halloween Bloody Mike works beautifully!
Still don't have new Star Wars working, but Halloween Bloody Mike works beautifully!

Did you update to the latest 1.5-318 of BAM. Its needed for that table.
Did you update to the latest 1.5-318 of BAM. Its needed for that table.
I did. Halloween Bloody Mike works. Star Wars is still hanging up on "Searching for Models" with the C++ Runtime error. I did update using the nicer updater link you supplied.
I'm running into this exact issue on my desktop computer today. Latest graphics drivers, I updated all the C++ libraries...AV is turned off, latest version of BAM...unblocked. When the Pinevent tables try to load I get the error. I'm not sure what else to try at the moment

I probably should have started a new thread since this is NOT for the old version...I'm running BAM 1.5-341


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Are you sure you have enough resources? These tables take a lot of resources. Terry has a high end PC that runs everything without a problem.
I'm running into this exact issue on my desktop computer today. Latest graphics drivers, I updated all the C++ libraries...AV is turned off, latest version of BAM...unblocked. When the Pinevent tables try to load I get the error. I'm not sure what else to try at the moment

I probably should have started a new thread since this is NOT for the old version...I'm running BAM 1.5-341

Chances are, you may have had a Windows update roll out that may have changed things.

Typical checklist:

- visual c++ updates all installed (and reboot after) - done
- nvidia driver... don't trust this. Manually download the latest driver and install this (common to have Windows sneakily replace it) - reboot
- sound drivers.... same thing.... be sure Windows didn't install crappier driver, or apps that can cause problems (the "Nahimic driver" is a known issue for fp and other apps, and most users will either remove it or disable it's processes / services)
- If you have multiple monitors on your setup, FP MUST be set to display on the primary monitor, and any other monitors must be positioned to the right of FP in Windows display settings (this applies to desktop, vr, cabinet)
- Windows Defender MUST be disabled (too many problems because of it)
- DOFLinx not enabled / running with PinEvent tables
- the newest version of BAM is "required" for all the newer tables being released
- DO NOT use modified FP EXEs. There is no longer any reason to ever use them.
- DO not set the FuturePinball.exe to run as administrator.
- You may need to run FPLoader.exe (BAM) as administrator at least once (you "shouldn't" need to again after the first time, buy try again to be sure)
- some have said they need to set FPLoader.exe to Windows 8 compatibility to prevent crashes
- Run from FPLoader.exe directly to load FP tables. Don't trust desktop icons or start menu as they may point to the FP exe and not BAM exe.
- ALWAYS completely close FP EVERY TIME when you exit out of a table (even if you want to reload the same table), or you want to load and play another table
- for PinEvent tables, make sure pupstream is disabled in PinEvent_Settings to be sure it isn't causing issues (doesn't work for all setups)
- make sure there aren't any leftover pup / dof process running that may have crashed
- reboot and try again

Also... new BAM update that ravarcade sneaked in today! (1.5-345) Yay. This seems to have fixed a few issues and greatly improved performance for raycast ball shadows, etc.
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Great checklist Terry!

I can’t believe he pushed an update today…i literally grabbed the bits again earlier while troubleshootin…guess I need to brace them again!!
I'm running into this exact issue on my desktop computer today. Latest graphics drivers, I updated all the C++ libraries...AV is turned off, latest version of BAM...unblocked. When the Pinevent tables try to load I get the error. I'm not sure what else to try at the moment

I probably should have started a new thread since this is NOT for the old version...I'm running BAM 1.5-341

I went back through the Mega guide and reapplied Terry's bundled configs and registry settings and I am back up and running it seems. I must have munged something in the environment...but I'm all good now!! Hopefully this will help others!
Are you sure you have enough resources? These tables take a lot of resources. Terry has a high end PC that runs everything without a problem.
this wasn’t resources my desktop is beefy as is my graphics card. Something was munged in my Config but fortunately I has Terrys Mega Guide bundle and reapplied his settings and registry settings
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