Disco Fever (Original)

SS Original Table FP Disco Fever (Original) v1.0

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Solid State Machines
Future Pinball


Pinball Player
Jun 1, 2019
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future pinball
marty02 submitted a new resource:

Disco Fever - Table Disco Fever Future pinball

Bonjour à tous je vous propose la Table Disco Fever basé sur la table de cavalero de Tio que je remercie. la Table a été entièrement refaite au niveau graphique et ainsi que tout la bande son c'est ma première table sur future pinball d'habitude je réalise des tables sur Vpx mais j'aime bien aussi future pinball voila bonne amusement à tous. soyez indulgent car c'est plus compliquer sous FP que sur VPX

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It's a Black Knight mod and since i'm actually trying to get a real Black Knight for me I though I should look at this. That and because I still got a lot of disco in my time :D

I hope you accept the following suggestions as a positive criticism so here goes:

For the future, I think the table would improve with new renderer system in BAM. This table would be great for some light action. Maybe touching the psychedelic ;) Think Austin Powers... maybe.

The hanging ball by itself is a bit weird and I'm sure you though of it but I think you can secure it to the upper field.

You are using default physics so i'm sure it will play differently depending on which .exe one is using.

Overall a very good first attempt and I hope you can continue doing FP tables.
Thanks for the info but I'm a little light with future pinball it's more complicated than VPX especially the physics of the tables. thanks again see you soon

I finished the blues brothers table that I had done on VPX if you want it to see the difference I will give you a link
excuse for my english
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