DMDExt v2.0


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Jun 21, 2020
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So apparently new rom colorizations are being released that use a new "Serum" method. While I can't explain this properly, I know you need the latest DMDExt version to see them.
Grab the installer here.
Is this all sort of a grand CV-19 metaphor...?
I would NOT be surprised if that was the case. A common practice is to give codenames to the software so... Hey, you can ask them devs :D
You can read up on how all this happened here...
I seem to recall that DMDExt can be added to FP somehow and DMDExt supports colorizations. So does that mean the colorizations can be added to FP?
The installer has an FP option so... yes? Although I have never seen an FP table making use of DMDExt.
It appears there are Serum colorizations for Scared Stiff and Tron Legacy. It would be cool if someone could figure out how to add them to FP.
And those are awesome. But add to FP how? aren't rom colorizations dependent on using roms?
Evidentally the requirements for Scared Stiff require 1) Scared Stiff ROM 1.5 and 2) dmd-extensions v2.0 from Freezy :

So you are right. It does require a ROM but FP can support ROMs even though it has never been done. I guess however it would be like taking a step backward since the FP version of Scared Stiff is completely coded with no ROM. ...But it just seems like there should be a way because I think all the ROM-based games on FP have DMDs that are extracted from ROMs. I seem to remember that FX3 tables use a frame from the DMD to trigger events on tables. Maybe something like that might work on FP? Unfortunately, I am sure the coding would be beyond anything that I can figure out.
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    Guest Alena has joined the room.
  • A (Guest) Alena:
    I’m looking for Contact (1933, Williams)
  • A (Guest) Alena:
    (AI prompt) is contact available (1933 version)?
  • ChatGPT @ ChatGPT:
    @, As of my knowledge cutoff in 2023, the 1933 version of the film "Contact" does not exist. It seems there might be a confusion with the title or the year. The well-known film "Contact" is a science fiction drama released in 1997, directed by Robert Zemeckis and starring Jodie Foster and Matthew McConaughey. It is based on the 1985 novel of the same name by Carl Sagan.

    If you are looking for a different film from 1933 or a film with a similar title, please provide more details so I can assist you better. If you are indeed referring to the 1997 film "Contact," it is widely available on various streaming platforms, DVD, and Blu-ray.
  • A (Guest) Alena:
    No I mean the 1933 version of the pinball Contact
  • D @ DLWood:
    New to FP. I'm on Linux and using Lutris. Have installed FP from the Lutris repo. It does not have BAM support so I can only play non-BAM tables. Some of the tables show up w/o a playfield do I fix that?
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