Egg Head (Gottlieb, 1961) FizX3.3

Gottlieb EM Recreation BAM FizX FP Egg Head (Gottlieb, 1961) FizX3.3 v1.00

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Oct 17, 2004
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Egg Head (Gottlieb-1961) FizX3.3 v1.00 - Tic-Tac-Toe

Egg Head (Gottlieb- 1961) FizX 3.3 V1.00
IPDB No. 758:​

Tomasaco: Spanish playfield
Popotte: convert playfield, backglass, plastics, script

You must use BAM 365 or higher

You can access to the menu with the Special2Key.
You can toggle (by the toggle HUD key) the HUD reel.
If you use arrows for plunger...

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