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Hi all, well, I figure I may as well start of here talking about my flipperless creations :)

(btw, I love the classy, classic theme of these forums - really fits it nicely)

Current original Flipperless WIPS on my desk are as follows:

1) Aftershock - a bagatelle arangement with a ball return - you need to rebuild the city by passing the ball through the pins. Trouble is the table has randomly timed and random severity 'aftershocks' that keep knocking them back down. I promise you this one is going to be fun with a capital F for falling buildings. probably going to be a while yet.

2) Secret Society - (working title) in this table, there are four raised platforms. Each one is a different goal - you access them by hitting targts on the dentral playfield, and then a single central kicker fires the ball (ilke a cannon) to the appropriate raised playfield. Those playfield are not finalised yet, but completion of each one will light a goal - such as 'secret handshake', 'master key', 'ancient manuscript' and 'True Agenda'. When you complet all four, you can run for election to the post of 'Grand Pooeybum' by hitting the central launch kicker. Success in the vote will NOT be guaranteed. Haven't nutted it out as yet though. This one was possibly going to be a 'Stonecutters' table (as in The Simpsons) but I might not do that and rather save stonecutters for a seperate project.

3) Tin Whistle - a bagatelle. Pure and simple. With several 'return kickers' in strategic places that if you bump the ball into them, fir it bag to the top so you can score more points.

Of course, I am a busy being lazy so I haven't got screenies right now, but will update this thread with some soon.



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