Gorgar and Drakor problems


Pinball Nudger
Dec 19, 2009
Reaction score
Favorite Pinball Machine
Some years back I bothered nearly everybody on the forum and somehow got Gorgar to work with lots of help primarily from Yogiholzer , Phoenixx and Bluto . Got sidetracked with FlightSimulator and am now back with fascinating pinball . I like the Superman table and it works fine as do many others . I think I have all of the latest items ( such as VP 903 , etc . ) .
Just downloaded Drakor and it shows :
Line : 121
Path not found .

Gorgar has all sorts of messages so may give up on it ??? Not a big deal , but just wonder why they won't work ? Got the latest VPinmame file .

Thanks ,

Netsinger ( not sure what display name I had before ? )
Mineral Wells , Texas
If you use XP/Vista or Windows 7 you need to run VP as Administrator.
Right click on the shortcut or the vpinball.exe and choose Run as...
then put the check in the "...the following user (Administrator) box.
Then click O.k. and try the game.
Hi sleepy ,

I seem to have mine set OK and shows my name and some numbers . I suppose this is what you are talking about and has a dot by that entry .
sleepy ,

I see the lower box and am sure that is what you meant . I will have to see how to fill that in as administrator . Has my name , but not sure about the password ???
sleepy ,

I have never looed into the administrator portion and not sure if I have a password or need to set one up ???? I do have XP home edition .
The Gorgar table you are trying to load is missing a file it thinks it needs - you'll get to redownload the zip that has that file in it before that one will work again for you. Alternately you can download a different version/release of the game which most likely will work fine. Having custom settings files to make your version seem 'special' - adding another dependency requirement went out of style a few years ago, so now most people use the internal vp settings/vpreg.stg file in the user directory to hold that kind of information when required.
Try selecting Administrator and clicking o.k. and if there is a password set for the administrator, a window will pop up telling you so. Then you'll need the password as set.
If there is no window then there is no password and you should be good to go.

If the window pops up and asks for the password and you do not know it, just click Cancel.
The file that Destruk is talking about might set off Windows Security.
No problem there except that Windows Security will want VP running under the Administrator or under a User Login that has Administrator privileges before it will allow VP to load that external file.
Thanks Destruk and Sleepy . I'll see what I can come up with .
I decided I would concentrate on Gorgar first as I used to have a real Gorgar Pinball table that my Mom liked . I just now went to IR Pinball and downloaded the only Gorgar listed and only got a zip with one file -- Gorgar.vpt . I placed that blue square in tables after removing the old one I had . Clicked on my Pinball 903 and got one message while the table was loading -- Script error -- Path not found .

I have not found a password for signing in as administrator , but appears that I just use my name as it is set up now and most other tables work fine .

Thanks ,
The irPinball table requires a file called gorgar.ram and that needs to be in the user directory of visual pinball. If you don't have a user directory, make one and see if it'll do anything. I wonder why Gorgar.ram isn't included in the zip.
Hi destruk ,
I got the install package by Phoenixx . I have a file in C that is VPinmame and has samples , scripts , tables , etc. etc. I don't see a folder named User . I went back to check the Gorgar zip and only had the one table file . Where can I get Gorgar.ram ?
destruk ,

I do see a file nvram and has a Drakor file and a Gorgar file .
nvram is used for Visual PinMAME - you'll need to create a directory called 'user' under the folder for VP since the phoenixx kit didn't make it for you. Anyway - you can get started playing Gorgar with the file on vpforums.org -

It doesn't requires extra files that aren't included in the zip, and it doesn't rely on a user directory either. Eventually you'll want that fixed so some of pacdude's games will work, as well as others that require that folder. Basically, to do that, you find where your visual pinball exe is located and create a folder right under that called "user" - case doesn't matter and vp will take care of things from there for you the next time VP is run.
Hi destruk ,
May eventually get this worked out with your help . I went to my VPinmame folder and have the pinball Icon 9.0.3 so not sure if Phoenixx's Install Package has regular Visual Pinball ? Should I have a separate VPinball folder ?? I created a user folder in with all of the other files in the VPinmame folder .

I went to the Gorgar download you directed me to , but have forgotten my log in information for that site . I attempted to register with new password , etc. , but said that someone already had already registered with my e-mail address . That undoubtedy was me sometime back , but none of the old information I have written down works . It would seem that there would be a way to enter only my e-mail address to retrieve that information , but always asks for username which I must have wrong as well as the password . It just indicated that I can't re-register as I have always registered ??? Really confused at this point ( not to say that I was not before --obviously !! ) .

thanks destruk
Typo correction -- Last sentence should have read -- It just indicated that I can't re-register as I have already registered !
Dude play the VPM 9 version it's a lot better! :)
hey marv75 ,

I have a pinball ICON that shows v9.0.3 . Is this what you are referring to ? I also have one that shows v1.0.0.3 and either one seems to work for most tables . Seems that I read that there is one that is non-expiring ???
You'd need to ask Phoenixx how to get this to work with his installer setup. It's quite simple to use vp and vpm and have it work.

1) install vpinball 6.1 full install - run setup
2) install visual pinmame - run setup
3) roms go into the visual pinmame/roms folder
4) scripts can go into the visual pinball tables and/or scripts folder
5) tables go into, yes, the tables folder
6) you can have any number of different visual pinball exe files in the same place as the original vpinball.exe - vp8.1, vp9,. vp7, whatever.

I don't understand why there is even a need for a full single kill shot install pack. When you run the vp full install it sets up all folders it needs, and when you run visual pinmame's setup it creates all folders it needs too. If you want, at that point, to unzip nvram files those go into the visual pinmame nvram folder. Without understanding how it all is supposed to fit together to work, it is nearly impossible to 'fix' it.

As for your trouble(s) with vpforums.org - worst case scenario is that you create a new email address at hotmail.com or yahoo.com or something, and change your IP address. If you remembered your user name, the problem could be fixed quick - most people don't forget their name.
destruk ,

I am not most people ! Hee!! Surely it is not the same log in info that I am using for Pinball Nirvana --is it ? I think I tried that info plus two other old ones I had written down 2-3 yrs. ago .

I do have about 30 tables or so and have been through installing Roms , etc. for VPinmame . I honestly don't just have to get Gorgar working or Drakor , but would like to think I can . I do like Superman and Blast Off and are good enough for me and are neat and responsive tables and not too complicated with confusing backgrounds . I recall the first time I typed in PC Pinball in Google and was absolutely shocked to find that it actually existed . That was before I found Space Cadet as part of Windows.

Do you have a contact for Noah or do I just need to go back to the other site where you directed me to Gorgar ?
Thanks destruk and don't worry much more with this .
Have we lost Bluto ? He was not in good health last time I e-mailed with him and now my e-mails are undeliverable .
Hi Destruk ,

I am on an old PC as my" good " one has fizzled . I went to VPForums and clicked on Noah's name, but got the message that I would have to sign in to contact him , but cannot of course .

When I tried to re-set my username and password , it simply said my e-mail address was already listed and ended that attempt .

May just give up for now with the PCprobems on top of bothering you so much . May not be on the PC much for awhile.

Thanks for telling me about Bluto . I was really worried about him .


Jamie ( netsinger )
Following the directions as a guest (not logged in) - clicking the link I stated above opens up outlook express with noahfentz@vpforums.org with a subject line "Problem with site" - you don't need to be logged in that way - just send him an email.
Hi Destruk ,

Thanks for directing me to Noah . I just sent him an e-mail .
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