How about your opinion

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PN co-founder
Jun 9, 2003
Reaction score
Favorite Pinball Machine
Flying Trapeze 1934
One of the reasons I removed myself as a moderator here is that I'm spending a lot less time on my computer and online. Probably half the time I used to, if that, mostly due to the worsening effects of diabetes as well as increased pain from arthritis. I won't be leaving the Internet, at least not until things get a lot worse than they are now, but my online time will be much lass than in the past. The worst problem as far as VP and the forums go are my fingers and hands, both typing and making tables cause a lot of extremely severe pain, and there's only so much a person can adjust to and endure.

So I thought I'd ask for your collective opinions on something. In the end any decision is mine to make, of course, but I'm mostly just curious. And I will take your opinions into consideration, so I would appreciate not only your vote but also any comments you might have. Would you rather see me spend my time making more tables, or would you rather I begin a new series of member profiles? While I might alternate, the time involved in doing either will probably be months rather than weeks. And since I'll probably do whatever I really want to do, please don't simply repeat that. If I didn't want your opinions I wouldn't have asked. So please tell me whaich you would prefer. Thanks.
I'm sorry to read about your health situation, and I really hope things will get a bit better over time.
I really hope also your leg is getting better.

About your question, I enjoyed so much all the flipperless released by you & Patrick. Although I'm a pinball ('80's & 90's) fan, I really appreciate all the old tables release, that are anyway needed for a complete overview of bagatelle / flipper history.

Keep up the good work, and take care of yourself.
Do what you feel like John, and to hell with everyone else. There's no use being a slave to other people, this is something that we all should enjoy, and you avoid all the useless crap people seem willing to dish out at you, especially if all you are trying to do is be nice and end up getting kicked in the teeth for the effort. It took me a long time before I decided to get out, and all I wanted to do is build my games, and learn some new things.

Now I can, and I don't have to worry about anything other than if I like my latest design. Don't really care what other people think, I do what I do now just for myself. Certainly a lot happier, and even if I do decide to share one of my tables every once in a while, if people don't like something about it, they don't have to play it then. I could do tables purely with a eye towards making money with ultracade. several people seem to be doing that, but I'm always happier creating my own. As much as VPM is nice and all, all I'm doing is copying someone else's work when you look at it, and I like the challenge of total creation that only a orginal can give me.

Maybe that's what you should do, your flipperless, but orginal creations. I just do layouts mostly, I crank them out one after another, then store them on disk. Must have close to 2 cd's full now. :)
I would like to see more of those "thought provoking" threads that you start in the "Tiltjlp spouts off" forum.


The member profiles are super boring when everyone answers the same questions, they are a real snoozefest. :deal:

I vote for that you concentrate on recreating those pinballs you know and love, after all when all is said and done even the most obscure of flipperless is more important then a few words about any of us.
I'm with shiva, whatever you feel is best for you, do what you're having FUN at!

Is it really necessary to narrow it down to one thing or another? If you feel like working on a table today, fine. If you want to work on profiles tomorrow, wonderful.

Do what YOU want to do. None of us can tell you any differently (and we'd probably get summarilly trashed if we tried!!! LOL).

Of course, both are desperately don't go slacking on us.

(And shiva: I'm truly sorry that it got to the point that you became so bitter of the whole thing, though I guess I can understand it. I was a VERY latecomer on here, perhaps an upstart, of sorts...but everywhere I went, everyone I talked to, looked up to your site as the haven. I miss your site, but understand your wanting to get out of it, and wish you the best.)
I think you should go to the Zoo. That is enjoyable every time we go.
Life is to short to worry about what other people think you should do. Best advice I could give is, Do what you want to do with your time and have as much fun as you can. :)
Listen to him, John...he's in pre-med!
(My apologies to those who don't know where that line came from.)
tiltjlp said:
And since I'll probably do whatever I really want to do, please don't simply repeat that.


Let's scroll up and see who doesn't read the posts they're responding to. :rasta:
It might be shorter to list the people who DID read it... ;)
Better yet, you're in excellent shape John. You should get some equipment and spend the next 2 years tracking the guys down here - play 'secret agent man' for a bit. It's extremely enjoyable just blowing them away if you do see them, and get paid dead or alive. :)

Come on, it'll be fun!
destruk said:
Better yet, you're in excellent shape John. You should get some equipment and spend the next 2 years tracking the guys down here - play 'secret agent man' for a bit. It's extremely enjoyable just blowing them away if you do see them, and get paid dead or alive. :)

Come on, it'll be fun!

Very interesting link Brian. I'd be afraid of stubbing my toe . . . or a lot worse. Thanks to everyone for your input. Actaully, I have been surprised.
Surprised that 5 people in the world voted?
destruk said:
Surprised that 5 people in the world voted?

Wow, now 6 votes!!! No, the surprise is the number of people who replied. Based on the responses the majority of my releases get, I wasn't really sure what to expect.
bob said:
I would like to see more of those "thought provoking" threads that you start in the "Tiltjlp spouts off" forum. :rasta:

I assume you're talking about the ones where I end up upsetting loads more people than I had set out to do. You might not have too long to wait, I have something that really has me ticked off . . . just have to find the time to pound the keys.
tiltjlp said:
I assume you're talking about the ones where I end up upsetting loads more people than I had set out to do.

Yes!!!! I like the one's where you give an honest opinion and I also like the one's where you're full of BS. :rasta:

bob said:
tiltjlp said:
I assume you're talking about the ones where I end up upsetting loads more people than I had set out to do.

Yes!!!! I like the one's where you give an honest opinion and I also like the one's where you're full of BS. :rasta:


Usually they're one in the same. It probably has a lot to do with if you agree or disagree with me. Besides, I've never been one to let facts stand in the way of my conclusions. :p
My computer settings are entirely perfect. It's all the cable modem's fault that I can't read a floppy disk.
As I never vote for this kind of question, I just can say: "Do as you want, it will be perfect in any case..."
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