Iron Man Ultimate Pro 1.05 UPDATED (FizX WIP)

SS Original Table FizX BAM FP Iron Man Ultimate Pro 1.05 UPDATED (FizX WIP) 2023-06-26

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Solid State Machines
Future Pinball
Thank you :)
I see you answered my review. I could take a look, but i don't have much time at the moment to look at the table to check if something is missing or what can be improved.

However, the time I had with it was for gameplay and other then livecatch being to easy (for *ME*) it seemed to play well. I also forget things. Finding all this details and all is the most time consuming part. TLDR at the last paragraph.

General rule of thumb:
I'd look one last time to guides to make the materials as Metalx, Plasticx,Woodx (where x is a number) so FizX can detect.
Check the sliders in the GUI for flippers and slingshots to make sure they follow the rules in the AIO table.
Check the rubbers to see if the ones that are actually hit by the ball have the fizx models AND they are named correctly as RubberPostx or rubberBandx and they are set in the script for they bounce level you want.
Check the bumpers to see if the skirts are disabled in the GUI (so the fizx skirt is active)
Regarding sounds, just make sure you import them to music and sounds manager as per instructions.
Set the table options and flippers physics in the script options to suit your taste. This will always depend on the player; I prefer tables to play on the bouncier side, other's prefer less bouncy. Hardware type of the user also matters making a lower livecatch setting good but too easy for others... So, set up to your taste and the end user can tweak for taste after.

Regarding sounds, If you import according to AIO table instructions, the mechanical sounds will naturally be played. The issue you talk about is not just about our hearing. Some speakers (and most headphones) simple are not suited to represent a good sound stage so many times it'll be like hearing a mono track :D Using SSF clearly helps in this even in not so good speakers but don't expect miracles. The other option is upgrading to 5.1 but that's another discussion.

That's about it. Changing the table is easy... the devil is in the details :D

That said, the table never played better and it feels good to play, fast and fun with decent amount of control to make longer runs per ball. Is already a very nice update.
I see you answered my review. I could take a look, but i don't have much time at the moment to look at the table to check if something is missing or what can be improved.

However, the time I had with it was for gameplay and other then livecatch being to easy (for *ME*) it seemed to play well. I also forget things. Finding all this details and all is the most time consuming part. TLDR at the last paragraph.

General rule of thumb:
I'd look one last time to guides to make the materials as Metalx, Plasticx,Woodx (where x is a number) so FizX can detect.
Check the sliders in the GUI for flippers and slingshots to make sure they follow the rules in the AIO table.
Check the rubbers to see if the ones that are actually hit by the ball have the fizx models AND they are named correctly as RubberPostx or rubberBandx and they are set in the script for they bounce level you want.
Check the bumpers to see if the skirts are disabled in the GUI (so the fizx skirt is active)
Regarding sounds, just make sure you import them to music and sounds manager as per instructions.
Set the table options and flippers physics in the script options to suit your taste. This will always depend on the player; I prefer tables to play on the bouncier side, other's prefer less bouncy. Hardware type of the user also matters making a lower livecatch setting good but too easy for others... So, set up to your taste and the end user can tweak for taste after.

Regarding sounds, If you import according to AIO table instructions, the mechanical sounds will naturally be played. The issue you talk about is not just about our hearing. Some speakers (and most headphones) simple are not suited to represent a good sound stage so many times it'll be like hearing a mono track :D Using SSF clearly helps in this even in not so good speakers but don't expect miracles. The other option is upgrading to 5.1 but that's another discussion.

That's about it. Changing the table is easy... the devil is in the details :D

That said, the table never played better and it feels good to play, fast and fun with decent amount of control to make longer runs per ball. Is already a very nice update.
Already have 5.1 surround, also headset helps, and it is also dolby 5.1, problem no hearing on my left side.
The bumpers should Ill have to check against the AIO, the models were replaced with fizx base and skirt. ACCEPT the bottom middle one.
I left it because its a multi kicker ring. (and personally didnt feel like messing with it)

I already have 3 more releases, 2 of them were done PRE fizx3, but a little birdie told me to hold off until the new fizx3 was finished.
Lve Catch , I believe is set at 9, yet every setting will effect this, as I notice changing LCatch to a 2 makes the ball roll different or act different bouncing off objects. Eash Flipper adjustment effect everything, as it should. Its hard to Tweak to everyones Taste, So, I set the tweaks to where the table seems to play the smoothest.

Any trouble with ball not making the ramps this time? Im still having trouble with BTTF ramps (PAIN IN THE ASS), I hate those ramps, period, seems the more I adjust the worse it gets. (This is how we learn)
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BTTF is a PAIN. I won't comment on that. You'd be better for doing 3d ramp models and import them to the table otherwise I THINK you have to compromise a lot. I can't help with that, I know it is a shit table to convert and it is for another thread.

For bumper3:
remove pbc1-5 kickers, delete BRC model (the skirt).
Go to bumper3_hit and remove the pbcx.solenoid lines and also the brc line after those.

Delete this in bumper3_hit()
        BRC.PopDown: BumpC.Enabled = TRUE

For the other bumpers you have to disable "trigger skirt" (and in bumper3 disable "passive" as well) in the GUI and add the FizX Skirt. It is already in the table and it is called BumperSkirt. Best way to do it is copy/paste from another table.

I gave it another go after the above changes and bumpers are fine.

I find the slope too low. I need to try higher slope ( know, the ramps... but sometimes there's a way :) )

I notice you have duplicated rubbers. You need to check that. For example, look for rubberpost16 in the GUI.

I can aim and make the ramps.

PS: i don't like the ball speed up exiting the right ramp to the right flipper. VERY unnatural

It's on top of a "tiny" rubber. Simply use the tiny fizX model (delete the FP tiny).

For ease of use, open Cosmic Princess, copy the surface "rubberoffset14" into iron-man (if you don't have a surface like this already in iron-man) and then copy and paste one of each rubbers types to iron-man too. Take note of the layer where they are in Cosmic Princess because properties are copied as well. If the model is not in iron-man you'll see a red circle in the GUI and you need to import the right model (check properties in Cosmic princess for the object you need)

Some need the transparent textures others don't, so again, see the properties of each rubber in cosmic princess. Once you have them in iron-man, it's c&p and make sure the rubberposts/bands are correct.

You may want to try slope at 5.0 or even 5.1 and
CoilType = FastCoil_1
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hmmm, I was checking out the right ramp exit, but not sure what is causing the fast exit, ?
Im missing somtehing, it isnt script related. Ill check the bumper(s) and script thing first, I wasnt sure what to change.

Isnt there a way to define a method in fp to make it definate, like _|PlayMusic
or _|Flipper where no other script or outside program can effect the object.. Im pretty sure there is a way to deny changes by another script or functio or class even. Im still very new to scripting modeling and everything really.
I know photoshop and the are stuff.

If you want to update it, go ahead, or msg me a scipt example. My jobs crazy so Im working 14 hr days the next few weeks. I wont have a ton of time to learn as much and not get things done and ready to be tweaked and released.
Is polygame, Jpar, anthias still around or are they long gone Lin woo?

oh, btw thanks
I don't have much time either but I can send you the changes I mentioned. but not today and i'll *try* to change the rubbers.

It is still a hard table to fix... as are all tables with default fp ramps but i say this again, it is still worth it over default gameplay.

I'll leave the tiny rubbers fix I mentioned plus slope set to 5.1 (you can ignore slope in the GUI with FizX and in the XML as both are overridden by table_slope in FizX Options. You can lower to 5.0 but I can live with 5.1.
I'm using fast flippers to get that power up quicker. This helps with the ramps.

Bumpers are fixed too.

There's still a lot to do though. Starting with rubbers (btw, you may want to look at the slingshot rubber descriptions ;) )

And you can (and should) remove all those triggers that are in the table for sound purposes. FizX takes care of hit sounds if the rubbers names are set correctly.

I'm still unsure if you messed up with any kind of physics in the table though. I can't look at this one as I have other projects.

"my" version plays FAST. (well, in desktop mode feels faster, with rotated monitor at ~200 FPS not so much :D )

Feel free to use the changes at will.


  • IronMan_UltimatePro_1.05 _HZR.fpt
    210.5 MB · Views: 9
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Im off work early today, Ill check it out tonight
Thank you. great work being done here.
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If you are having trouble converting from FizX 2 to 3, JLou provided this:

to find the equivalent bounce setting between FizX2.0 and FizX3.0, here the math formula:

If in FizX 2.0 you have a bouncing at 0.85 and a falloff at 0.45
Bouncing when falloff speed threshold is reach = 0.85 - ( 0.85 * 0.45 ) = 0.4675

So for FizX3.0, it's equivalent to:
LowSpeedBouncing = 0.85
HighSpeedBouncing = 0.4675

There is no way to calculate High_Velocity_Threshold.
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