It's time to say Goodbye


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Oct 3, 2004
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There is a time and a place for everything, and when your time is up, your time is up. I have decided that it is that time,and to leave Visual Pinball and all websites permanently. To remain here is detrimental to not just myself, but all, and it's time to move on.

I have asked, and he was kind enough to accept, Anthias of to become the caretaker of my original projects for the shivaEngine series, and have uploaded the new files with a new copyright and new contact info. He is authorized by me to approve any non-commercial aspect, including released mods or additions, as well as full upload approval to any other site. From now on, all my work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 Canada License. Any tables that were released locked previously are now unlocked and will be available at PO.

Other aspects of my work, such as VPM, I will make arrangements with other people, and will reflect the changes in the script in a new upload at PN. All other versions that may be around will be deleted due to the changes. Any authorized mods will stay the same, and decisions for those mods is up to the person that did the mod.

As hard as it is to write this, it is time, I am tired and I have nothing left anymore. I have found a happier place, with a whole new world opened full of new opportunities for me to walk down and discover. And that is the road I wish to go down from now on.
i remember you retiring emphatically years ago, but i guess you got sucked back into VP and/or the web at some point, hence the need to retire again. well, anyway, i hope that it works out this time and i'm glad you're enjoying your new activities, whatever they may be.

personally i think that there's no way to avoid the web (since it's such an awesome tool and resource), but i'm sure many of us could improve the ratio of time we spend on it to results we get out of it. this is something i'm trying to do personally, playing tennis more, reading more, going to lectures more, doing more nature walks... open-mics, playing poker tournaments live instead of online, even getting into religion (of a sort). OTOH, the web is still vital for communication and doing certain kinds of research, so it's just a question of finding the right balance... at least for me.
Shiva will surely be missed, but for himself, he has definitely made the right decision. I wish him all the best, and will honor his wishes with all his original works at P-O to the utmost of my ability.

Going back many years (is it really that long - nearly a decade it seems) when I first started playing with VP a few well placed pointers from Shiva and a few others were all it took to turn a small inspiration into a creative passion. I will always be thankful for that.

When I first started releasing VP tables to the public way back in early 2002, Shiva was already a respected and extremely helpful member of the community. He has tirelessly given years of his life to us all, and in more recent times, as we all do in time, has surely become tired. I know I am at times.

I consider it a great honor to have been asked to perform a caretaker role for the original works by one of the greats.

I wish Shiva all the best in all his future endeavors.
Some of the best tables were created with Shiva Engine.
They definitely have a different "feel"...;)
Thank you SHIVA!
Be happy! God bless you.:wave:
I wish you the best success in whatever you pursue shiva, you will certainly be missed..:salut:

Was thinking of you and my brother when I visited the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum in Cleveland, OH last weekend after watching the Minnesota Vikings beat those pathetic Cleveland Browns on opening day.

If you can make it there, it's fantastic, we spent 6 hours just trying to see everything until they kicked us out, here's an image of a Jimi Hendrix guitar that I just added to the new Rock And Roll Hall of Fame and Museum Album @ Pinball Nirvana.

shiva we had some good times and some bad times

thank you profusely for every single thing that you have given us

and in closing

[size="+4"]TRIGON RULES !!!![/size]
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