Keep looking shocked, and move slooowllly towards the cake!

Isaac Sauvage

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Jun 23, 2003
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Favorite Pinball Machine
Jurassic Park

Well, I'm glad that all worked out! :D
Reminds me of an episode of Duck Dodgers, where he says to self "I will just stare at the pages of book for the appropriate amount of time, so I look like I am actually reading." 🦆:rof:
Reminds me of an episode of Duck Dodgers, where he says to self "I will just stare at the pages of book for the appropriate amount of time, so I look like I am actually reading." 🦆:rof:
Duck Tales...?
Damn, what an awesome opening.
Whether that was actually Tom Jones or a perfect soundalike seems completely superfluous!

Alright, since everyone already knows that I'm a total weirdo, I'll just admit that I never cared too much for the typical Warner Bros cartoon-style. It was just all a bit too obnoxious for me, and also I felt like the jokes were telegraphed from a million miles away. Obviously many, many people felt like the opposite, but frankly I was always much more of a Rocky & Bullwinkle / Dudley Do-right fan, in which the jokes worked on multiple levels at very best.

Anyway, I just wanted to establish my standing.

So how were the actual cartoons of Duck Dodgers, anyway? Did they also make a Dash Dordan companion series? I suppose not, hehe.

Ah, but now I'm reminded of Sir Brian Blessed, a bloke who could take over a scene whilst stumbling backwards in to a huge pile of cow manure. (if required, of course)

Damn, what an awesome opening.
Whether that was actually Tom Jones or a perfect soundalike seems completely superfluous!

Alright, since everyone already knows that I'm a total weirdo, I'll just admit that I never cared too much for the typical Warner Bros cartoon-style. It was just all a bit too obnoxious for me, and also I felt like the jokes were telegraphed from a million miles away. Obviously many, many people felt like the opposite, but frankly I was always much more of a Rocky & Bullwinkle / Dudley Do-right fan, in which the jokes worked on multiple levels at very best.

Anyway, I just wanted to establish my standing.

So how were the actual cartoons of Duck Dodgers, anyway? Did they also make a Dash Dordan companion series? I suppose not, hehe.

Ah, but now I'm reminded of Sir Brian Blessed, a bloke who could take over a scene whilst stumbling backwards in to a huge pile of cow manure. (if required, of course)

It in fact is Tom Jones singing the theme song. (I was actually thinking of making pinball table based on this theme.)
This cartoon seemed more geared for adults, as "the acting like reading book" was joke not many kids would get.
Although sadly these days, many kids cannot read even up to grade 12.
This is what happens when hard work and merit means nothing, and it just feels right passing all of these kids on to next grade, even though they have learned nothing. I guess it makes the teachers feel better?
No more Honor Students. They make the other students look dumb, so we can't have them anymore.
Win a trophy for sports? No, you will get a Participation Banner, because we can't have any losers right?
Then kids get out in the real world, and find that there is no "Safe Space" to hide from lifes REAL problems, so they have trouble functioning in society.
Sorry for the rant! :offtopic:
NP for the rant, and in fact the education system has been under attack in the States for some decades now. School funding and inflation-based pay for teachers is an utter disaster at this point, and teachers are leaving in droves, for very good reasons. They typically get little support at the admin level and more and more are harassed by angry parents usually upset that there's been pushback on their kid's loss of behavior.

If you go to any online teachers' forum (r/Teachers would be an example) you can read umpteen daily examples of how its increasingly impossible for them to do their jobs, which they once had actual passion for.

The financial entities causing this strain and shift are the same types eager to convict people of minor drug offenses and throw them in to the for-profit prison industry, i.e. the privatization model. An easy example of this (one of many, many) is Betsy DeVos, who was inexplicably installed as Secretary of Education under the previous Presidency. She's in fact part of the interest group that wants to convert education to the for-profit corporate model, and was perfectly willing to destroy public education to get there.
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    (AI prompt) What is a EM Pinball Machine?
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    @uptown47, An EM pinball machine refers to an "Electro-Mechanical" pinball machine. These are the classic pinball machines that were manufactured before the advent of solid-state technology, which uses microprocessors and digital displays. EM pinball machines were popular from the 1930s through the late 1970s.

    EM pinball machines operate using a complex system of mechanical components such as relays, stepping units, score reels, and switches, along with electromagnetic devices like solenoids and coils. These components work together to control the gameplay, scoring, and sound effects.

    The gameplay of EM pinball machines is typically more straightforward than that of modern solid-state machines, with a focus on hitting targets, bumpers, and completing specific sequences to score points. The scoring is displayed on mechanical reels or wheels that physically turn to show the player's score.

    Collectors and enthusiasts often appreciate EM pinball machines for their historical significance, mechanical ingenuity, and the tactile experience they provide. The
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