StevOz, on 20 Feb 2014 - 07:45 AM, said:
mukuste, on 19 Feb 2014 - 08:10 AM, said:
Yes, <acronym title="Visual Pinball" class="bbc ipSeoAcronym">VP</acronym> has a full simulation of angular velocity which is independent of linear velocity and which takes into account collisions and the inertial tensor.
As for the mass, yes, I was only talking collisions. Certainly it has an effect on the rolling speed. One of these days I have to do the math and see if changing the mass gives new effects which you couldn't also achieve by changing the playfield slope and the friction.
With the few tables I have made for <acronym title="Visual Pinball 9" class="bbc ipSeoAcronym">VP9</acronym>, gravity (mass) does have a different effect then that which can be recreated via friction and/or slope settings. I would argue that friction is an almost useless parameter as on a real well maintained table, it is virtually zero anyway. As for flipper physics I think they are fine with the correct setting each table, although perhaps too digital in nature and did wonder how many steps the flipper go through in a swing arc, could this number of steps be increased?
The flipper angle is simulated as a continuous value, there are no discrete increments (disregarding floating point accuracy of course, but that's no issue). It used to be that the flippers were
rendered in discrete increments, but in DX9 I changed this too to be continuous. Some tables (SS, e.g.) do still use their own discrete flipper sprites, but this has no bearing on the physics.