Munsters 3 screen setup.


Pinball Player
Sep 4, 2022
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I am trying to set up The Munsters with the included 3 screen zip file, however when I unzip the folder in the Munsters pup folder, the DMD goes on the playfield. I read that you need to change pup screen settings to 5,0,0,100, 100. I am unsure how to do this, I checked the game script and every folder but did not see anything. Does anyone have any suggestions
I am trying to set up The Munsters with the included 3 screen zip file, however when I unzip the folder in the Munsters pup folder, the DMD goes on the playfield. I read that you need to change pup screen settings to 5,0,0,100, 100. I am unsure how to do this, I checked the game script and every folder but did not see anything. Does anyone have any suggestions
It’s in pupeditor, when you correctly unzip the 3 screen zip file in the pupvideo folder, you go back out to pup editor, choose the game, change the 4 to a 5 and that’s it.
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