New moderator


PN co-founder
Jun 9, 2003
Reaction score
Favorite Pinball Machine
Flying Trapeze 1934
Member ohmwiz, aka Ken Lyons, will be the moderator/host of our three forums dealing with real life pin machines. They are Ads, Sales, and Auctions, Maintenance & Repair, and Real Life Machines.

Ken is a collector of pre-WWII pins, and founder of the Pre-War Pinball group hosted at Yahoo. His near fanatical passion and enthusiasm should fit right in here. Welcome abound ohmwiz.

Near fanatical? That's like saying the sun 'might' be hot...


Permit me to intro myself, I am ohmwiz (Ken).

I joined this group because one of my Prewar Pinball group members told me that if I went here, I could find actual
flipperless preWWII VP games. I thought he was hallucinating,
but I came, saw, and was hooked.

I am the owner of a 1934 O.D. Jennings "Sportsman" payout
pinball machine that I am trying to restore, and I am learning
VP so I can turn it into a game myself. I am also looking for a Bally "Airway" pinball - any parts are OK.

I hope to be a useful member of the group where 'real' pinballs
are concerned - for you members who have games to restore,
I have a background in woodworking and electronics, and I am
a CNC machinist in my day job.

I am now working on a universal AC power supply that will work with just about any preWWII battery powered pinballs - if this interests you, see us at [email protected].

If you have any questions on 'real life' pinballs, I will do my best to answer them.

Thank you, Ken

(and thank you, tiltjlp)
Welcome aboard Ken, hope we're not too weird for you. Something tells me you'll fit right in. If you do have any questions for Ken about real life pins, please don't ask them here, but in the Real Life Machines Forums.

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