New physics Dfv2/DPv1 Core (FizX)


Jun 4, 2022
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Hi everyone,

I saw the new video by Terry about the new physics released by Jlou and AnonTet and I'm super excited to try it with the POTC table I've been upgrading for a while. For those curious I posted a video showing the visual differences so far (the video is crappy and I will re-upload a new 4k one with less compression).

I would like to add the new physics to it but it's in a library file and I'm not familiar how I could export only what I need from it such as the file script_dfv2-rc.tga.

This is the command line in the Cosmic Princess scripting: ExecuteGlobal LoadExternalScript ("CosmicPrincess.fpl\script_dfv2-rc.tga") 'Dfv2/DPv1 Core

Any ideas? Or is the file available somewhere yet?


Hi Runner,

Please wait that i make a package.
CP 1.0 don't have all stuff to put FizX in easier way... @TerryRed have those stuff, he working on his pinevent table update. There will also an update for CP with those new stuff needed.
So be patient 😉.
We need to make tutorial, topic, Ressources ( With all new model to import )etc... But it's holydays 😉.
We need to make tutorial, topic, Ressources ( With all new model to import )etc... But it's holydays 😉.
Sure JLou, we need a tutorial, and sure, it's holydays.
Heaven can wait. :cheers:
Wow great work ... this keeps FP alive i hope...
Awesome Job .... feels fantastic realistic. thxs
It's my hope as well that this can bring new life to FP.

At the moment I have this hope of updating all existing tables to this system. Even the oldest ones although I understand that we always want more like cool light inserts and raycasting and better graphics (especially on older tables). To be honest this is the most time consuming part but i'm not the best table creator around (by far as you can see in Cosmic Princess. the inserts and all that stuff was JLou work).

But if we can just "stop ourselves" and add the FizX 1st and do the cosmetic stuff later I'd say things could flow fast and bring a lot of cool FP tables to the front row.

In any case it is easier to implement than people might think.
Merci merci beaucoup JLou , obrigada AnonTet. great work
Love your new take on FP... thx
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