NFL (Stern, 2001) Jets VPX

VPX Stern SS Recreation NFL (Stern, 2001) Jets VPX v4.4

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NFL (Stern 2001) Jets v4.3
IPD No. 4540

Pinball Nirvana Exclusive!!
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NFL table by Sliderpoint
Striker Xtreme rebuild by Kalavera3
Full code rebuild and alot more primitive and graphics updates and flashers added by 32assassin
Original NFL Playfield and Plastics Graphics Upgrade and Team Mods and Sounds...

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I'm mungojerry311 from over at VPUniverse. Great job as always.

The default team selection still isn't working for me despite the update, but I have a theory as to what the problem is. It seems that VPX, for me anyway, is treating the different themed tables as if they are all the same table instead of treating them like they are separate tables. I can tell this because the number of credits is the same on all the tables I have thus far, therefore it would be expected that the default team would also be the same.

Don't know if that will help or not, but I thought I would share anyway.
Are you copying the nvram files to your nvram folder?
I have no idea why the team selection is not working for you.

You can manually select team in the Adj Menu. (This info is included in text file with table package.)

You can hit the 7 key when game is running, then go to ADJ. then click NFL, then click Starting Team.

Use the 8 and 9 keys as arrows to move, and use 7 key to Enter. After you have selected your Team, select quit in the menu, and your new setting will take effect.

These settings are stored in a nvram file located in your nvram folder.

So try this on one table, and then try it on one more table.
Now play each table and see which team is starting team.
If it is still not working, then you have something blocking your nvram files.
Try right clicking on each of the nvram files and check properties, to see if it says it is being blocked.

Hope this helps you get the starting teams working.
Are you copying the nvram files to your nvram folder?
Do I have to do this for each table I download? I was under the impression that I only had to do that once.

You can manually select team in the Adj Menu. (This info is included in text file with table package.)
I've already tried that, but it affects the other tables as well, meaning I would have do this every time I opened another table, which is sort of a pain.

Try right clicking on each of the nvram files and check properties, to see if it says it is being blocked.
I've done this, but there is nothing in the properties that would indicate to me that they're being blocked, unless I'm looking in the wrong place.
You should not have to copy the nvram files over for each table.
You only need them once.
But for some reason, they are not working for you.

Have you tried deleting all the nfl nvram files, (There are 34 of them and one is a text file.).
And then try the adjustments and set 2 seperate tables with 2 seperate Teams.
If you see the nvoffset number in table script, you should see a text file created in the nvram folder with this corresponding number in name.
So if the NVOffset number is 28, like it is in this Jets table, a text file that says "nfl v28.txt" will be created in the nvram folder when you run the table.
When you run a different team table, it should be creating a different text file with corresponding NVOffset number in name of text in the nvram folder.
There should only be one nfl text file in your nvram folder.
Have you tried deleting all the nfl nvram files, (There are 34 of them and one is a text file.).
And then try the adjustments and set 2 seperate tables with 2 seperate Teams.
If you see the nvoffset number in table script, you should see a text file created in the nvram folder with this corresponding number in name.
So if the NVOffset number is 28, like it is in this Jets table, a text file that says "nfl v28.txt" will be created in the nvram folder when you run the table.
When you run a different team table, it should be creating a different text file with corresponding NVOffset number in name of text in the nvram folder.
There should only be one nfl text file in your nvram folder.
Ok, I just tried this. After doing the adjustments for two tables and looking in the nvram folder, there are no text files created. There is still only the nfl.nv file which was created when I started the first one.
Now we need to figure out why no text files are being created in your nvram folder.
Maybe it is a permissions problem?

Is your Visual pinball Install location perhaps in your Program files?
If it is, I would suggest you install Visual Pinball to C: \Visual Pinball

The All-In-One Installer defaults to this install location.
I am at my wits end!!
I cannot figure out why the nvoffset command is not working for you.
Very strange that the text file in the nvram folder is not being created!!
I will ask over where toxie is and see if anyone can help figure out this problem.
I really want to get this working for you!!
I have had no luck.
I think it has something to do with PinMAME not being installed to C: drive.
Although someone else had this same problem, and they also did not have PinMAME installed to C: drive, but....
They were able to use the Instructions I included about setting own team with the PinMAME buttons.

You can hit the 7 key when game is running, then go to ADJ. then click NFL, then click Starting Team.

Use the 8 and 9 keys as arrows to move, and use 7 key to Enter. After you have selected your Team, select quit in the menu, and your new setting will take effect.

I think you have already tried this though??
You can hit the 7 key when game is running, then go to ADJ. then click NFL, then click Starting Team.

Use the 8 and 9 keys as arrows to move, and use 7 key to Enter. After you have selected your Team, select quit in the menu, and your new setting will take effect.

I think you have already tried this though??

Yes, I have. The thing is that I have to do that for each of the different versions of the tables. For instance if I play the Lions table first, all well and good. However, if I want to play the Falcons table, I have to do that process for that table to change it to the correct team. And if I go back to the Lions table it will be the Falcons with the wrong colors so I'd have to that process yet again. It's really, really tedious to do that for each different version.

I would very much prefer that the starting team would change automatically like they're designed to do. I'm sticking with only the Lions version until a permanent fix is found.
Yes that is ridiculous having to set the team every time you switch team table.
Ok I have one more thing you can check out.
Right click your VPinMAME folder and go to Properties.
Then click the security tab and check to see if the folder has permissions.
Do the same for the nvram folder.
Make sure they have permissions to allow nvram text files to be written in the folder.

That is the only thing I can think of that may help you with this problem.
The nvram text files are not being written for some reason.
I am thinking it is a permissions problem.
That is the only thing I can think of that may help you with this problem.
The nvram text files are not being written for some reason.
I am thinking it is a permissions problem.

Ok, I just checked all of that. Changed the permissions (the ones I could change anyway) on the VPinMAME folder to full control. Checked the nvram folder but that already had full control. Then installed the Falcons table. Played the Lions table first and then that one.

Nope. Starting team still is the Lions on the Falcons table, and only the nfl_v13.txt file is the only such file amongst the nfl nv files.

Does it matter at all that I have VPX installed on the D: drive instead of the C: drive, to your knowledge?
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I have never installed to anywhere but C: drive so I am not sure.
Just tried downloading the Eagles table (go Birds), and am getting the error "Can't start Gamenfl_phi. Game name not found!" How do I correct this? Thank you!
Just tried downloading the Eagles table (go Birds), and am getting the error "Can't start Gamenfl_phi. Game name not found!" How do I correct this? Thank you!
You need a version of VPinMAME that has the VPMAlias.txt.
Find VPinMAME v3.5 here...

All of the NFL team tables have already been added to the VPMAlias.txt file, included with VPinMAME v3.5.
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