Nudge Pause

Here's what I use for my 360 degree tilt mech for Flop-House Bagatelle. You need a timer called NudgeTimer with an interval set to 1200. and a variable DIMed for GameIsOver and you also need one for nudstr.
Put the following in your keydown sub.


If keycode >70 and keycode < 82 then
if GameIsOver=False and NudgeTimer.enabled=False then
if keycode = 71 then nudge 315, nudstr
if keycode = 72 then nudge 0, nudstr
if keycode = 73 then nudge 45, nudstr
if keycode = 75 then nudge 270, nudstr
if keycode = 77 then nudge 90, nudstr
if keycode = 79 then nudge 225, nudstr
if keycode = 80 then nudge 180, nudstr
if keycode = 81 then nudge 135, nudstr
End If
End If

Then create this subroutine seperately:


Sub NudgeTimer_Timer()
End Sub

And finally, in your table_init, add this:


nudstr=2 'Change value of 2 to however powerful you want the nudge mech to be

Now, with this system, you can't physically "tilt" the machine, but it will create a 1.2 second pause between your ability to nudge the table.

Updated Jun 22, 2005 Written by Kinsey
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