Out of video Memory for offscreen Z-surface


Inserted Coin
Aug 19, 2008
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Hello everyone. Can anyone give me any guidance regarding the error message that I am receiving? Its happening on Jackbot and Miss World and VP shuts down after I clear the message. I'd love to get this sorted out. Thanks
It usually means you need to upgrade your video card to a 3D card or a 3D card with more on card video memory because the current onboard video or card can't render the 3D (the Z axis) or lacks sufficient video card memory.
it also may mean that the HD box is checked! look in the editor on the right if that box is checked UNcheck it save the table close out of vp then reopen the table again (double check to make sure that is stayed Unchecked) then try playing it again, also make sure that you are running it in fullscreen NOT a window and your vp resolution matches your desktop resolution
The HD box controls whether the video card renders the table.
Unchecking it means the CPU does the rendering, so Faralos is right,
except it might or might not work if the video is onboard motherboard video with limited shared memory. Try what Faralos said anyway.
Hi guys, I really appreciate your input. I still can't get it working. For some reason, now when I open the table, VP shuts down before I even get a chance to check the options. I'll try re-installing. Do I need to uninstall the old version first?
I would uninstall it to clean up any errors in the registry.
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