Rom's - 5Th Element - (fizxv3.3)_multiplayer_mod version 0.8 - by RLR

SS Original Table BAM FizX FP Rom's - 5Th Element - (fizxv3.3)_multiplayer_mod version 0.8 - by RLR v0.8

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Future Pinball


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Apr 16, 2023
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RLR submitted a new resource:

Rom's - 5Th Element - (fizxv3.3)_multiplayer_mod version 0.1 - by RLR - moded version of Rom's 5th Element

'updated by RLR 10/03/2025 - mod version 0.1
'this is my test table, learning to code, tank you guys for all the information you have avalebel and thank you for creating such a tool that ables us to recreate these wonderful games

'-DMD with a lot of flaws, don't completely understand it for now
'-Ouverlay, alot to be optimised as well, reduce imagens/frames and better control is needed - overlays desynchronised in the translit in relation to the playfield/table - no idea who to solve this...

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RLR updated Rom's - 5Th Element - (fizxv3.3)_multiplayer_mod version 0.2 - by RLR with a new update entry:

Rom's - 5Th Element - (fizxv3.3)_multiplayer_mod version 0.2 - by RLR

'updated by RLR 14/03/2025 - mod version 0.2
- removed some duplicate events that were causing bugs for multiplayer "savemissionState"
- reduced the time for timers to activate in "stonekicker" to prevent balls from being destroyed, affecting the ball count in multiball

feel free to comment, I need your feedback to improve
Thank you all

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RLR updated Rom's - 5Th Element - (fizxv3.3)_multiplayer_mod version 0.3 - by RLR with a new update entry:

Rom's - 5Th Element - (fizxv3.3)_multiplayer_mod version 0.4 - by RLR

'updated by RLR 16/03/2025 - mod version 0.3
- fixed DMD - not perfect but now is displaying players, ball saves and extra balls right

sorry for updating many versions in such a short period of time but i m testing as i go along and find these mistakes, i'm compelled to update it as soon as possible.
I what you guys to have a working table to test and use from me.

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RLR updated Rom's - 5Th Element - (fizxv3.3)_multiplayer_mod version 0.4 - by RLR with a new update entry:

Rom's - 5Th Element - (fizxv3.3)_multiplayer_mod version 0.5 - by RLR

updated by RLR 22/03/2025 - mod version 0.5
'- fixed DMD - better now
'- fixed Ouverlay - sounds better matching animations now
'- reworked code - needed to prevent "savemissionState" bugs

Read the rest of this update entry...
Love it ... someone is working on this table...thx...
but .... maybe i sound like a newbee ....but Where do i put the files in?
you only need to move the "5Th Element (fizxv3.3)_multiplayer_mod version 0.5.cfg" file to the "Future Pinball\BAM\cfg" folder and that is just for the lighting, use it if you want.
the "maps-shadows.tga" file is also for the lighting but it needs to be in the folder where the table is.
The rest is just additional information and images for you to use if you want

have fun :)
oke .....Thank you for the info ....... but where is "The .CFG "file and the .TGA file ? not in download?
only ..are .png files and one txt file inside....... where are the other files??..
oke .....Thank you for the info ....... but where is "The .CFG "file and the .TGA file ? not in download?
only ..are .png files and one txt file inside....... where are the other files??..
They are included in the table package.
Here are the 6 items included...

Sorry .... my bad... did't use winwar but used unzip decompresion.
that's went wrong on my end.
Thank you for your great help... so i could sort it out.
now i have the correct files..
PS... Love what you done with the... Table Art, Sound, DMD wow.
thank you ronald71
i'm learning still and i really love this table/movie so it was natural for me i think
Question for the site support team.
Do i remove the old versions of the table or it doesn't matter

Thank you all
Question for the site support team.
Do i remove the old versions of the table or it doesn't matter

Thank you all
No need to remove.

Love this table!
Thanks for sharing your work!
Thank you for giving me the opportunity
Thank You.. RLR Great Update , Awesome Work of Art and Sound.
I also loved the Movie a cult Classic.
great table, really nice :-) done a video

wow great collection of videos/tables, thanks for telling me, will check it out
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