Shaq Attaq (Gottlieb, 1995)

Gottlieb Shaq Attaq (Gottlieb, 1995) 2021-05-23

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Pinball Hall of Famer
Jan 10, 2020
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Favorite Pinball Machine
JLou5641 submitted a new resource:

Shaq Attaq ( Gottlieb SYS 3 1995 ) - Shaq Attaq Gottlieb SYS


I'am JLou, i'm a VPX Creator. I like FP for his engine rendering and extra features. It's a good game too, and i know FP have some player. I think FP could be better in the future.
So if anyone is interested to make Shaq Attaq for FP, I share all my ressources. I modeling all plasctic, toys, ramps myself.
Al you need is on my mega, maybe some ressources are missing or not up to date, if it is, ask me.
Hope someone would make Shaq Attaq for FP.


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Hi Jlou,

A few Weeks ago, I buyed a shaq fu pinball and I would like to restore it because it isn't in the best condition.

I'm really interested in you archives and I'll really appreciate if you could share it with me.


I'm really interested in you archives and I'll really appreciate if you could share it with me.
Assuming you mean Shaq Attaq, he already shared the materials on his "Mega" account.

Just follow the download link...
you can take all what you want 😉

Serai t’il possible d’avoir le lien de téléchargement ? Merci
oui je l'ai, mais il n'est pas le plus fidèle à la réalité. On l'a beaucoup retouché "a l'oeil" pour vpx.
il te faudra l'upscaler, imprimer un blueprint avec les contours et le remettre pile poil car il y a toujours de la déformation sur les scan qu'on utilise.
Ok ok d’accord . Je te remercie, je regarderais sa pour le faire au mieux. Merci
Tu peux m’envoyer sa par mail?
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