Zaccaria SS Shooting the Rapids (Zaccaria, 1979) Restore

Solid State Machines


Pinball Nudger
Apr 16, 2016
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Favorite Pinball Machine

New to this forum but hoping someone can help.

I have been working on a shooting the rapids. It has a new pinball solutions GPU and power board and refurbished driver board. PF has been stripped and reassembled.
Pin will boot and start a game - although I get multiple loud squawks at the start of a game and then the squawks remain but are barely audible. All switches register points correctly. I have no solenoids or controlled lamps. There are no voltages on the PF coils. All voltages tests correctly from PSU and driver board is receiving a clean 5 vdc of power. New CPU Driver board interconnect. There is no fuse under the PF, although I have read there is supposed to be one for solenoids. All fuses on power supply test good.d
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