Recreation Sounds

Francisco Pozo Robles

Pinball Wizard
Sep 27, 2008
Reaction score
Hi everyone:

I need to create a "special8" sound for one of my Gottlieb's 1954 recreations, specifically " Jockey Club"

but I only have up to "special5" in my fpSounds Libraries. How this could be done?

I guess it's for the case where you win 8 replays.
Create a timer named FreeReplay
FreeReplay.UserData = FreeReplay.USerData +8
FreeReplay.Enabled = True: FreeReplay_Expired
PlayMusic Knocker
... (add credits, ...)
FreeReplay.UserData = FreeReplay.USerData -1
If FreeReplay.UserData = 0 Then FreeReplay.Enabled = False
End Sub
Muchas gracias por tu respuesta.
Since I only work with the FP platform, my question is:
After creating the timer, where would I add the scripts you sent me?
Sorry for my ignorance.
Each times you win replay(s), you have to add this script
For example:
If Score > xxxx Then
FreeReplay.UserData = FreeReplay.USerData +x (the number of won replays)
FreeReplay.Enabled = True: FreeReplay_Expired
End If
And somewhere in your script, you have:
PlayMusic Knocker
... (add credits, ...)
FreeReplay.UserData = FreeReplay.USerData -1
If FreeReplay.UserData = 0 Then FreeReplay.Enabled = False
End Sub
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