Pinball News

Pinball News
Stern Pinball today teased next week’s full announcement of their next Cornerstone title, Foo Fighters.

An image from Stern Pinball's teaser video for their upcoming Foo Fighters game
An image from Stern Pinball’s teaser video for their upcoming Foo Fighters game

Foo Fighters joins the long list of music-themed pinballs from Stern, including AC/DC, Aerosmith, Rush, Led Zeppelin and The Beatles.

The latest game is based on the Seattle-based band formed by Dave Grohl who was formerly the drummer for Nirvana. Established in 1994, the band has featured several members and was in the public eye last year when drummer Taylor Hawkins died unexpectedly.

That could have been the end of the band, but Grohl recently announced three upcoming appearances by Foo Fighters at US festivals in 2023. Hawkins appears to be featured in the Foo Fighters van in the image above, alongside Grohl (driving).

The pinball tease came in the form of a video on YouTube which you can watch below.

It appears as though the pinball will feature an alien invasion theme, with the band saving the Earth, Ghostbusters-style. That theme would be fitting given the term ‘Foo Fighter’ was used by pilots to refer to an unidentified flying object (UFO) during World War Two.

An alien attack begins
An alien attack begins
The Ghostbusters-style extends to their HQ building
The Ghostbusters-style extends to their HQ building

There had been speculation whether it would be Foo Fighters or Venom announced as the next Stern title. Now we know.

Meanwhile, Stern have announced that they will have a small number of Limited Edition models of the game available to purchase from their web shop from 11am CST on Tuesday 28th February.

The countdown to the game's availability on the Stern web shop
The countdown to the game’s availability on the Stern web shop

These LE games are only available to buy through the Stern web shop for US-based buyers who also have to be paid members of Stern’s Insider Connected All-Access programme. Other LE games will be available through Stern’s regular distributor network.

Full details of the game features, prices and availability are expected to be announced on Tuesday and Pinball News will naturally bring you all the information on Stern Pinball’s new Foo Fighters game.

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