SS Original Table FP Tribute to Bud Spencer 2.0 German Voices MOD

Solid State Machines
Future Pinball
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Pinball Nudger
Apr 2, 2021
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Abra Ca Dabra from Gottlieb (1975)
nightshift21 submitted a new resource:

Tribute to Bud Spencer 2.0 German MOD - Tribute to Bud Spencer 2.0 German MOD

Hi All,
I love this pinball, unfortunately I missed the german voices as I knew it from the movies from my childhood, so i replaced the italian sound files with the german ones in a laborious process..

Tribute to Bud Spencer 2.0 by Wild at 2018-11-10 modify by me 2022-04-26

This is a great table, brings back a lot of memories. Thank you very much!

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First to all,hello to all fellow FP, @Popotte @Gimli @GeorgeH @NitroNimbus(because it is not in the list) @AnonTet @TerryRed ,and many others......

Ok, here it is again!!!!

I'm Paolo, it's wild it's always me.
I don't know who you are, but what you posted is my table.....forgive me if I seem harsh to you, but I have not given you permission to modify one of my tables,and mostly to publish it.
Having said that, I take it as a lack of respect for my desire not to modify or publish my tables,I had published this table on, and you downloaded it from there right? and there was my maximum expression that the modification was not allowed without my permission.

To understand each other.....if you modify it and keep it for yourself, for your private use, I can't know or see it (what you don't know or don't see doesn't kill you) but be careful if you publish it instead I see it as a lack of respect for me, and consequently I get angry.
Now.... if you have also posted it on another site, I urge you to delete it there too, to avoid that I go to ask for the removal, with the consequence of arguing. I am registered on other sites so I can see

I kindly ask that this table of mine be removed from the resources section, I have not given anyone permission to modify and much less publish my tables, thank you.
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