User Groups @ VP Originals

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PN co-founder
Jun 9, 2003
Reaction score
Favorite Pinball Machine
Flying Trapeze 1934
While I'm more into promoting PN than other sites, I think VPO has begun something that could improve the overall quality of originals, and well as make for better authors. What they are doing is establishing User Groups to help any original author with suggestions or advice about their WIPs. The user groups are:

Flipperless and Bagatelle
Flippers, Flippers, Flippers
Graphics and Textures
Layout and Gameplay
Player's Players
Scripting and Coding
Table Testers

With my experience with Flipperless and Bagatelle, I've volunteered to be the group leader of that group. And since I have tons of experience testing tables, and have been Druadic's tester, I'll also be the group leader for Table Testers.

While the majority of my releases have been recreations, I have done at least a dozen originals, as well as countless tuorials and demo tables, and am working on the Ultimate Starter Kit, which should contain 15 fully commented demo tables, plus a lot more.

So if you are an experienced author, consider either leading or joining a group. And if your a new author, don't hesitate asking for help, we are started out not knowing very much if anything. VP isn't really the mystery it might seem like at first, it just takes time and experience in order to improve. And VPO is offering both new and experienced authors the help they may need. Not all of us can be the VP versions of Destruk, scapion, or Pacdude, but we should all give it our best effort.

Thanks for the promo John

We have a new category "Sound and Music" for anyone who is into that side of things, this could be especially helpful to get file sizes down and to learn about the various formats and what they do.

As John has said, we are trying to encourage all authors to become aquainted with the groups and to seek advice from those groups in order to create better quality releases. We also would like to have as many people join the groups as advisors as possible.

Let's all help each other.

C Ya

How about a direct link? I've very interested in this information!
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