No way they would want me. :)
looking at VPE and what they have done, it looks really good... but only if you are a high end coder or have the specialized knowledge to be able to use it. The vast majority of us do not have that, we either don't have that time to learn or in my case, just am too stupid. Like modern vpx and fp/bam, it was made so only a few people can actually use it because those few have the ability to use these programs properly. The rest of us struggle, it's too complex for our ape brains.
I'm thinking unity is too much, so personally, as a coder that is good enough to write a engine, but not good enough compared to people like JP, I know Unity, Unreal, even godot may be a large learning curve that I just don't have the time or the brain power to learn, let alone use. You have to learn to crawl before you can walk, and these programs require you to run full blast.
How I would do it then, and this is just me, is if I wanted to do a game for development, I would pick a engine (or several) that was based around my abilities. If I didn't know anything, scripting/textures etc, I would start with Scratch, which is made for kids and teaches the absolute basics including scripting structure, and after a few days, I would move up to the next stage of engine, GDevelop, game maker etc, and learn from them. Eventually, I would get good enough to progress to the next level of engine, untill I find the best engine to do what I want.
I mention this because this is a PinBuilder thread, and I feel annah chose the wrong engine, Unreal is too much for her skill level, and the biggest thing is there's no set plan or master roadmap. Everything seems based on what looks cool as opposed to what is actually needed.
Just about every major aspect in fact I would do completely different, and the most important thing is how the person who buys my product uses the product, if it is easy for him and gives him the flexibility and the creativity he requires.
Everything is so awkward and restrictive with Pinbuilder, as a example the logic system just doesn't work well. It's just as complex as scripting and yet it can only do a fraction of the things that writing code can do, and then the actual UI is poorly thought out and very clunky. I'm sure you would agree Max, pretty sure andar would as well on that one. Lot better ways of doing it, the scratch way of boxes and nodes (visual scripting) or the semi coding method of expression scripting used in GDevelop, which is quite good and a lot easier to learn than say C++ come to mind.