Visual Pinball CRC/length errors?


Pinball Nudger
Jun 19, 2009
Reaction score
Hey gang. Running Vista 64 and have around 500 or so tables that aren't working. some do, but 90% of them don't. I installed the latest VIP, everything is running as admin and in XP mode. I originally got into VP so I could use it in Maximus Arcade but I can't even get the tables to run. Here's an image of an example:

and after I click OK I get this:

I've been messing with this for 4 hours now pulling my hair out. any help is appreciated. thanks so much

O.K., one step at a time.

The ROMs are in the Pinball\ROMs folder and the paths in VPM are set to that folder, right?

Did you unzip the ROMs or did you leave them zipped?
All of the files are in folders, and they're all .VPT files. Paths are set right. most of the older machines work but newer stuff like the simpsons and x-files give that same CRC error. Thanks
I see, you dont even have the ROMs. But you need Tables and ROMs.

Read this post, it should help you figuring out what to do.

If you still have questions afterwards just post again.

ROMs can be downloaded in our download section.
Since it is still somewhat hard to find, heres a direct link to the ROM downloads.


Download the ROM that corresponds with the Table and put the ROM ZIP into the 'ROMs' folder.

The table (.vpt file) of course goes into the 'Tables' folder.

Thats all there is to do, the rest is already installed and set up by the VIP. In short if the ROM ZIP is in ROMs and the .vpt is in Tables and your paths are right you can start playing.

P.S.: When you read the other post, be sure to read the part about not unzipping table ZIPs directly into the Tables folder. Thats very important.
yep that's exactly what I needed. gonna take a while to grab all those roms lol. thanks for your help!

(BTW, i have added two links to the CMPS frontpage so finding the ROMs and Tables will now be a lot easier if you dont use the old homepage to enter Pinball Nirvana. They are located under 'Site Navigation'.)
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