VP9 transparent Images


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Oct 3, 2004
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Finally dled the latest version just to see how it looks on my stuff, and colour me disappointed. Not as advertised, and certainly not good enough to make me even consider the hardware, if I was to do so.

I have a built in ATI, but then so do a lot of other people. I've noticed very strange behaviour with transparent images especially. A dropped wall under a bumper shows up black with no transparent, but the weird thing is when the bumper light is off, it only shows it black on one side, but not the other. When the bumper light is on, it goes completely black.

Of course it's completely fine in VP8 and below.

BTW: I though we were suppose to be able to have transparent images on ramps now?
I think Destruk said hardware rendering has to be enabled in the Table Options menu to get the transparent images on ramps.
I wish they would get around to transparent Walls/Slingshots and add real-time RGB color control to Lights, Walls, how about everything?
Was already off

Fixed it sort of, has to do with objects saved in VP8 on my computer.

Hows this for a bug... VP9 won't allow me to save a different transparent colour, it always defaults back to grey.

Nice job guys
Works just fine for me.

And that makes me so happy for you.

I found a simple solution, just use VP8, and save any new images in 8, and they usually are fine in VP9, as long as you don't save any new images in 9. Bit strange, but VP9 has other problems as well with my computer.
Your solution shiva is an interesting one, as I have also noticed the same effect using VP7. Textures are rendered differently in VP7, then they are in VP8, yet if you save a table with VP7 and then load the table in VP8 the texture rendering of VP7 is preserved.
That is correct, been like that since VP1. To maintain compatibility, but really all Randy did was layer over new features on top of the old ones, which was easier than fixing the bugs from older versions. My problems are actually bugs from releases 6 years old, that were never fixed. It's not such a bad thing, as it's caused me to come up with different solutions and ways to do things over the years.
Appears UltraCade did the same thing, but now the bugs are more apparent, because all these fixes are is just a band aid, when the code needed to be rewritten years ago. The computer I have may not be great, but it's a very common setup. For instance, I can't use a image over 1024, without getting the off screen texture error. Easy to fix really, if I want to maintain sharpness in my images, but still rather annoying.
steveoz ...love yer avatar!! very Kewl!!
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