Aerobatics (Zaccaria, 1977)

Zaccaria EM Recreation BAM FP Aerobatics (Zaccaria, 1977) v1.0

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The Internet Pinball Machine Database
Aerobatics / IPD No. 24 / February, 1977 / 1 Player
Average Fun Rating:
Needs More Ratings! 7.3 / 10 (3 ratings) [ Add Your Rating! ]​
Date Of Manufacture:
February, 1977​
Electro-mechanical (EM) [?]
Notable Features:
Flippers (2), Pop bumpers (2), Slingshots (2), Drop targets (3), Standup targets (3), Kick-out holes (2), Spinning targets (2). Bounce-back outlanes allow the player to nudge a drained ball back into play. The last two digits of the score are fixed zeroes. End-of-ball bonus. 3 or 5 ball play. Operator option in backbox for Add-a-ball or Replay operation.

Maximum displayed point score is 9,999,900 points.

Replay wheel maximum: 37

Sound: electronic, knocker
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