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ie: /ai What is a EM Pinball Machine?
  • JonPurpleHaze @ JonPurpleHaze:
    It is for me, I have a PS plus membership or something...
  • Free Bally! @ Free Bally!:
    this last une, "Iron Butterfly Theme" is great live, wish i could have included the album verion, first heard it in 1985 and it blew me away
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  • Free Bally! @ Free Bally!:
    there is another version of this Galaxy Club boot out there, which has one more song at the end, forget what it is
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  • JonPurpleHaze @ JonPurpleHaze:
    (AI prompt) what is your Iron Butterfly Theme?
  • ChatGPT @ ChatGPT:
    @JonPurpleHaze, The term "Iron Butterfly Theme" is not a widely recognized term in popular culture, music, or finance (where "Iron Butterfly" is known as an options trading strategy). However, if you are referring to the rock band Iron Butterfly, their most famous theme or song is "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida."

    "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" is a 17-minute track from the album of the same name, released in 1968. The song is known for its heavy, psychedelic rock sound, distinctive drum solo, and its part in shaping the genre of hard rock and early heavy metal. The phrase "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" is a slurred version of what was originally "In the Garden of Eden," supposedly altered due to the lead singer's inebriation during the writing of the song.

    If you meant something else by "Iron Butterfly Theme," please provide additional context so I can give you a more accurate answer.
  • Free Bally! @ Free Bally!:
    options trading strategy? wtf?
  • JonPurpleHaze @ JonPurpleHaze:
    Nice Shows!
  • JonPurpleHaze @ JonPurpleHaze:
    (AI prompt) describe the game Assasin's Creed 4 Black Flag in pirate talk
  • ChatGPT @ ChatGPT:
    @JonPurpleHaze, Ahoy matey! Gather 'round and hearken to the tale o' Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, a grand adventure on the high seas, where ye step into the boots o' Edward Kenway, a fearsome pirate and a cunning member o' the Assassin Brotherhood.

    Set sail in the golden age o' piracy, amidst the Caribbean waters, where yer ship, the Jackdaw, be yer trusty vessel. Navigate through treacherous waters, plunder merchant ships, and bury yer blade in the hearts o' those who dare cross ye.

    Ye'll be chartin' a course 'cross vast expanses, from the bustling ports o' Havana to the mysterious and untamed jungles o' uncharted isles. Engage in ship-to-ship battles with cannons blazin', board enemy galleons, and claim their booty for yer own.

    But avast! There be more than just the life o' plunder and pillage. Ye are part
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  • Free Bally! @ Free Bally!:
    (AI prompt) Describe a pirate's trip to the market to buy fish-heads and adult diapers
    • Haha
    Reactions: JonPurpleHaze
  • ChatGPT @ ChatGPT:
    @Free Bally!, A pirate, known for his seafaring adventures and notorious escapades, found himself in a rather peculiar situation. After a particularly rough storm that had battered his ship and crew, he realized that they were running low on provisions and, quite embarrassingly, that he was in need of adult diapers due to an unfortunate bout of seasickness that had left him with a weakened constitution.

    With a grumble and a scowl, the pirate docked his ship at the nearest port town, a bustling marketplace known for its variety of goods and fresh seafood. He tied his ship securely at the harbor, adjusted his tricorn hat, and made his way to the market with a swagger in his step, trying to maintain his fearsome reputation despite his current mission.

    As he walked through the crowded streets, the pirate attracted curious glances from the townsfolk. His appearance was striking, with a weathered coat, a hook for a hand, and a parrot perched on his shoulder squawking,
    • Haha
    Reactions: JonPurpleHaze
  • Free Bally! @ Free Bally!:
    (AI prompt) Why did the pirate have an eye patch?
  • ChatGPT @ ChatGPT:
    @Free Bally!, Pirates are often depicted with eye patches in popular culture, but the reasons for this vary. Here are a few possible explanations:

    1. **Injury**: The most straightforward reason a pirate might wear an eye patch is that they lost an eye due to injury. Pirate battles, sword fights, and the general hazards of seafaring life could easily lead to eye injuries, necessitating an eye patch.

    2. **Myth and Stereotype**: The image of a pirate with an eye patch has become a stereotype perpetuated by movies, books, and other forms of media. It's part of the romanticized pirate image that includes peg legs, hooks for hands, and parrots on shoulders.

    3. **Preserving Night Vision**: A more interesting and practical theory suggests that pirates wore eye patches to keep one eye adapted to the dark. When moving between the bright deck and the dark below decks, a pirate could switch the patch from one eye to the other. The eye that was covered
  • Free Bally! @ Free Bally!:
    nope... it was because a seagul shit in his eye the day after he got the new hook fitted
    • Haha
    Reactions: JonPurpleHaze
  • JonPurpleHaze @ JonPurpleHaze:
    He couldn't scratch his eye, or tried and had to get the patch because of the hook...:pirat:🏴‍☠️🪝
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  • Free Bally! @ Free Bally!:
    ahh well, back to work tomorrow
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    Reactions: JonPurpleHaze
  • Free Bally! @ Free Bally!:
    Looking at Tuesday for a real day off, ahhh
  • JonPurpleHaze @ JonPurpleHaze:
    Hope you find your keys!
  • Free Bally! @ Free Bally!:
    But working long every darned day has (Finally!) cleared up pain in my hip that has plagued me since April
  • Free Bally! @ Free Bally!:
    haha, naw the keys are long gone. HAVE to get a new pair of pants... Without A Hole In The Pocket!
    • Haha
    Reactions: JonPurpleHaze
  • JonPurpleHaze @ JonPurpleHaze:
    Get AC 4! you :pirat:
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    Reactions: Free Bally!
  • Free Bally! @ Free Bally!:
    Got AC, weather-liars say i'll need an umbrella all weekend
  • Free Bally! @ Free Bally!:
    ohh oops
  • Free Bally! @ Free Bally!:
    you mean the pirate game!
  • Quote
      JonPurpleHaze @ JonPurpleHaze: ????