FP Companion Tools

Support File FP FP Companion Tools v2.3

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by LvR
at 2012-12-12
Type Program
Subtype Tools

Companion Tools for Future Pinball 1.9 are third party standalone softwares serve to help table designer during the building process.

Here is the tools list :
fp-dump : dump the content of a .fpm/.fpt/.fpl in a readable format.
fp-grab : extract all the resources from .fpm/.fpt/.fpl files.

Changelog :

• 2011.11.21 : v2.3
- some more field decoded.
- fp-dump and fp-grab can now be parametrized with a cfg file.

• 2011.10.06 : v2.2

- fp-grab now export script.vbs included in .fpt file.

• 2011.10.05 : v2.1
- A small correction with fp-grab which produced error when input file didn't have / in path.

• 2011.10.04 : v2.0
- fpt-dump and fpm-dump have been merge into fp-dump, wich also dump .fpl content now.
- fp-grab is a new tool that extracts all resources from .fpm/.fpt/.fpl Future Pinball files.

• 2010.05.20 : v1.0
- first release.

Companion Tools for Future Pinball 1.9

Welcome to Companion Tools for Future Pinball 1.9

Companion Tools for Future Pinball 1.9 are third party standalone softwares serve to help table designer during the building process.

Here is the tools list :
fpm-dump : dump the content of a .fpm in a readable format.
fpt-dump : dump the content of a .fpt in a readable format.

FP Companion Tools at PinSimDB.org

Companion Tools for Future Pinball 1.9 is a creation of LvR from PinSimDB.org

Future Pinball is a property of Chris Leathley.

This is a command line tool that dump the content of a .fpm/.fpt/.fpl file to standard output.
Command line syntax

fp-dump.exe myFile.fpX

or if you want to save the dump to a file

fp-dump.exe myFile.fpX > dump.txt

So you'll be able to see in detail the content of the file, and more useless differences between two files with your favorite text diff tool.

This is a command line tool that extract all resources from a .fpt/.fpt/.fpl file.
Command line syntax

fp-grab.exe myFile.fpX

It will extract all resource into a new directory called myFile.grab
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