
Support File FP Gfx2DmdF v1.0

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by Sebek74
at 2013-01-11
Type Program
Subtype Tools

Just for now simple explanation what you can do with that:
* create your own font from set of characters stored as images
* convert bigger images to multiple characters stored in one or more font files
* convert set of DMD frames (grabbed from original game) to font files as the following characters

Gfx2Dmd features:
* support for individual animation frames containing multiple characters
* separate size & color processing for each frame
* cutting & scaling source images
* customizable color conversion alghorithm for every frame
* halftone & transparency support
* customizable character & frame size
* character layout managing: sorting, automatic character arrangement
* support for various graphic formats: bmp, gif, png, jpg, tif
* mass gfx import by drag & drop feature
* source image & font preview window with magnification support
* job storing & loading (linkning is possible)
* existing font import
* automatic splitting to several fonts during export
* font integrity checking
* color & frame preset copying/saving for further use

  • 26366.jpeg
    187.5 KB · Views: 51
  • 1731212283507.png
    156 KB · Views: 4
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