Hyde Park (Gottlieb, 1966)

Gottlieb EM Recreation BAM FP Hyde Park (Gottlieb, 1966) v1.0 BAM

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Hyde Park (Gottlieb, 1966) v1.0 BAM

Hyde Park / IPD No. 1258 / August, 1966 / 2 Players
Average Fun Rating:
No ratings on file [ Be first to rate this game! ]​
Date Of Manufacture:
August, 1966​
Model Number:
Electro-mechanical (EM) [?]
951 units (confirmed)​
Serial Number Database:
World Places​
Add-A-Ball [?]
Notable Features:
Flippers (2), Pop bumpers (3), Slingshots (2), Ball kickers (2), Snap target (1). The snap target is not in continuous motion but alternates between left and right only when hit by the ball. It has two award ladders. Two "auto-shooters" located between the flippers propel the ball towards this target.

2-player add-a-ball with Continued Play. Continued Play is achieved with high scores and allows up to 5 extra balls per ball in play, tracked on the backglass by five illuminating colored circles located underneath the game name​
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