Plays well, looks good, I really like it.
Corrections that could be made?
1. When the Zipper Flippers are moved to upper position and the ball drains out in right side, the ball can not go down past the right ZipperFlipper (Flipper2) and drain, no matter if the flipper button is pressed or not. You have to tilt the game to a halt, to move on. I adjusted my Flipper1 and Flipper2 Position Y 1 mm up and Position X 1 mm towards the centre. That did it for me.
2. The bumpers do not score points. That is because the Script in line 603, 610 and 617 are calling the wrong name. They call for bumper1 bumper2 and bumper3, but in the layout af the table they are the bulbs. The bumpers are called Bum1, Bum2 and Bum3. So the right lines should be:
Line 603 Sub Bum1_Hit()
Line 610 Sub Bum2_Hit()
Line 617 Sub Bum3_Hit()
That works for me. :-)