Pioneer (Gottlieb 1976) by Jay Phillips
IPDB No. 1802
IPDB No. 1802
Production: | 3,625 units (confirmed) |
Notable Features: | Flippers (2), Pop bumpers (3), Star rollovers (5), 4-bank drop targets (2), Kick-out hole (1), Left and right dual inlanes, Half-moon credit window. End-of-ball bonus. No slingshots. Replay wheel maximum: 9 |
Design by: | |
Art by: | |
Notes: | The 4-player version of this game is Gottlieb's 1975 'Spirit of 76'. A special 2-player Add-a-ball version, Gottlieb's 1976 'New York', was made in celebration of the 1976 lifting of the laws that had banned pinball in New York. |
Pioneer (Gottlieb, 1976) (JPR-IkeS)
Pioneer (Gottlieb 1976)