Planet Neptune (Original)

SS Original Table FP Planet Neptune (Original) v1.0

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Solid State Machines
Planet Neptune, An original future pinball table .
Rules, Light "NEPTUNE" for special's at the top kicker, ( targets on the right side under the holograms).
(special lasts for 90 seconds).
Light all six "TRITON" star targets,( each target is under a Triton moon hologram). for bonus,
and a chance for bonus multiplier to increase.
Light all the blue stars for a chance for 7500 point bonus.
Highscore on the table card.
( Some well-
Planet Neptune.jpg
made Midi renditions, were used for background music.)
(The table is a modification of my "Planet Pluto" table).
First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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