Poosh M Up - HappiTime 5-in-1 (Sears/Northwestern 1950s-60s) VP8 by UncleT

VP8 Flipperless Recreation Poosh M Up - HappiTime 5-in-1 (Sears/Northwestern 1950s-60s) VP8 by UncleT v1.0 2020-01-28

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Sears/Northwestern 1950s-60s
by UncleT

This Bagatelle has scoring for all 5 games: Bagatelle, Baseball, Colors, Put-N-Take, and Twenty-One.

You can play four different games on this table:
1) BASEBALL: Launch the balls trying to score as many runs
as you can before obtaining three outs. The player with
you most runs before obtaining three outs is the winner.

2) BAGATELLE: Launch the balls trying to get points. The
player with the most points after all the balls have been
played is the winner.

3) COLORS: The player chooses one of the five available
triangle colors and then tries to get as many balls in
the targets which are associated with the color they chose.
The player with the most balls in the target area related
to the color they chose is the winner."

4) PUT-N-TAKE: Each target area is associated with a <put>
or <take> value. When a ball enters a <put> target, then
the total score is increased by the <put> value. When a
ball enters a <take> target, then the total score is
decreased by the <take> value. After all balls have been
played, then the player with the highest score is the winner.

NOTE: It is possible to nudge the table from the front, left, right and diagonally. When the game starts, press "R" to see the current settings for these actions.
  • Poosh-M-Up-HappiTime-5In1 (SearsNorthwestern 1950s-60s) VP8.PNG
    Poosh-M-Up-HappiTime-5In1 (SearsNorthwestern 1950s-60s) VP8.PNG
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