San Francisco (Williams, 1964)

Williams EM Recreation BAM FP San Francisco (Williams, 1964) v1.1

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The Internet Pinball Machine Database
San Francisco / IPD No. 2049 / May 12, 1964 / 2 Players
Average Fun Rating:
Needs More Ratings! 7.6 / 10 (5 ratings) [ Add Your Rating! ]​
Date Of Manufacture:
May 12, 1964​
Model Number:
Electro-mechanical (EM) [?]
2,000 units (confirmed)​
Serial Number Database:
American Places​
Mechanical Backbox Animation [?]
Notable Features:
Flippers (2), Jet bumpers (3), Passive bumpers (6), Slingshots (2), Rollover buttons (6), Standup targets (2), Kick-out holes (2), Gobble hole (1), Rollunder (1). Mechanical backbox animation (moving arrow). Double match awards 2, 5, or 10 replays (operator option).

Maximum displayed point score is 1,999 points per player.​
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