Surgical R1 (Original) by Pinballwzd

SS Original Table FP Surgical R1 (Original) by Pinballwzd v2.0

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Solid State Machines
by Greywolf, Pinballwzd, Popotte
at 2011-09-27
Type Original

Do you have what it takes ?

This is the day in the life of a Surgical Resident.
In Surgical R1, the player is immersed in the life of a Surgical Resident. In order to complete your residency, you must demonstrate to the Chief Surgeon that you can perform 6 complex surgeries.

Good Luck Resident !
Rule Set for Surgical R1

Object of the Game:

In Surgical R1, the player is immersed in the life of a Surgical Resident. They are in their first rotation at Mount Anthony Hospital working to complete your surgical term. The player has to make their way through 3 surgeries while being supervised by the Chief Surgeon. He is quick to criticize and slow to praise. He does not seem to have very many friends at the hospital and even his colleges keep their distance. Early on in your rotation, you learn that the Nurses are your real friends and should be listened to. One nurse in particular is quite nice to young surgeons. She provides the player with helpful suggestions and feedback throughout the game. Also, found on the Chief of Surgery’s desk, is a Skull bust that provides comic relief.

Knee Mode

This is the first of 3 modes. The player has to complete each of 5 regional shots which then unlocks the OR door. The player then is able to proceed into the OR suite where the goal is to knock out each of the 5 lit regional shot lights. If the player fails to complete hitting all 5 targets, he/she can re-enter the OR suite but has a limited time to do so. (60”). If the player does not enter the OR door within the 60” (1 minute), the door will shut and the player will have to hit the door again to reopen.
In the Knee mode, the player has unlimited time to complete the surgery, but after a 30” timer, their accumulated bonus for the current mode will start to diminish by $400 for each second passed until the total bonus offered for current surgery is $5,000.

A split bonus of 50,000 will be awarded for completing this mode.

(See bonus section for more details on split bonus)

Bowel Mode

This is the second mode. In the Bowel Mode, the player must carry out the same process as in the Knee mode but do so twice.

In this mode, the player must hit the drug target every 30”. If he does not hit the target with in the first 30 seconds, the monitor will display a new, faster, rhythm (VTach).

The player then has another 30” to hit the drug target. If successful, then the 30” counter resets. If not successful, then the monitor will display a new, more deadly, rhythm (VFIB).

Once in VFIB, the player will need to drop all 3 Shock targets with in 1 minute to save the patient else watch the patient progress to the final rhythm (Systole). If the patient ends up in asystole for 1 more minute without receiving a shock, the flippers will stop working, the ball will drain and the player will have to restart the surgery upon the next ball.

Note: Initiating a Shock while in VFIB and ASYSTOLE is the only way to save the patient and return them to the initial rhythm.

In addition to arrhythmia changes on the monitor if the player fails to keep the patient asleep, by hitting the syringe target within the 30 second timer, their accumulated bonus for the current mode will start to diminish by $600 for or each second passed until the total bonus offered for current surgery is $5,000.

A split bonus of 75,000 will be awarded for each of the 2 surgical procedures for a total of 150,000 points.
(See bonus section for more details on split bonus)

Heart Mode

In this final mode the player must complete 3 surgical procedures. Each surgical procedure awards the player a split bonus of 100,000 for a possible total of $300,000.

This mode is the same in all respects to the Bowel Mode except for the increase bonus, number of trips to the OR needed and diminish bonus ($800 per second).

OR Suite:

The operating room suite is where all the action takes place. In order to unlock and open the doors to the OR, the player must have first made all 5 of the regional shots which will be indicated by the corresponding lit lamp for each shot. In order to complete the surgery, the player must hit all operating room targets, thus turning off each lamp that was previously lit. If all OR targets are hit, the player may remain to rack up more points, or leave and be awarded ½ of the Surgical Bonus specific to the current mode. (see split bonus). If the player does not successfully complete hitting all targets in the OR before leaving, they can re-enter but have only 60 seconds before the door closes. A re-hit of the OR door is then needed to open the surgical room for completion of the operation.

Game Bonuses:

Surgical Bonus: The Bonus received for successfully completing the OR Suite.

Coffee Skill Shot: Awarded to successfully hitting the Coffee Captive Ball upon launching a new ball. Value awarded is X2 of the captive ball scoring.

Radiology Combo: Awarded for successfully making the Radiology ramp shot immediately after exiting a completed OR.

The Surgical Bonuses:

Knee Surgery Bonus: 50,000.00 points

Bowel Surgery Bonus: 1st successful OR – 75,000.00 points

2nd successful OR – 75,000.00 points

Total: 150,000.00 points

Heart Surgery Bonus: 1st successful OR – 100,000.00 points

2nd successful OR – 100,000.00 points

3rd successful OR – 100,000.00 points

Total: 300,000.00 points

Grand total: 500,000.00 points

Split Bonus (Explained):

With each successful completion of the operating room, the player is awarded a bonus.

Half of the original bonus is paid immediately and the other half (could be less due to loss of bonus) could be paid out or carried over (see how to collect split bonus payout)

How to collect Split Bonus Payout:

When the player finishes a successful operation, one of the lower lane lights will become lit. The player can control the movement of this lit lamp with both flippers. If the ball rolls down one of the lit lower lanes, the split surgical bonus is paid out. When the 25 second timer runs out, the lower lanes become unlit and the option for payout is over. At this time, the split bonus payout is added to the accumulated surgical bonus.

Coffee Skill Shot

The captive ball works both as a progressive score target and as a Skill Shot. The Skill Shot is available at each start of a ball until the player scores. If the player hits the captive ball on a skill shot, the normal captive ball score awarded is doubled. During game play, the score is as follows:

1st light – 100 points

2nd light – 200 points

3rd light – 300 points

4th light – 500 points

Radiology Combo Shot:

If the player completes the OR suite, upon exiting the player has the opportunity to get the Radiology Skill Shot. The Radiology drop target will temporarily drop, allowing for a shot to the ramp. The Radiology sign will go on as will the region’s insert light. If the shot is made, the bonus is awarded and the target pops back up and the sign will go off.

General Scoring:

Drug Target = 500 points

Knife Spinner = 100 points per spin

Gas Targets = 250 points each

Shock Targets = 250 points each

Radiology Target = 250 points

Radiology Ramp = 1,000 points

Radiology Skill Shot = 4,000 points

OR Lit Targets = 500 points each

Or Non Lit Targets = 250 points each

Suture Loop = 500 points per loop

Lower Inside Lanes = 500 points

Lower Outside Lanes = 1,000 points
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