Ticker (Bally, 1933)

VPX Bally Flipperless Recreation Ticker (Bally, 1933) v1.0b

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IPD No. 4668

UPDATED: Played a game, hit the ball in the out hole and it didn't want to play a new game! This has been fixed in version 1.0b and has been updated here. My sincerest apologies folks. Sorry!

A very simple and basic tabletop machine created for the stock market in 1933. A very basic and simple name for a devious and extremely tough game.

The way the pins and numbers are placed on the play field make this game so tough that scoring free games is near impossible. Follow the label on the wooden apron to see what games you could win in specific score amounts in yellow (faded yellow actually). Win 2 to 30 games per play.

The tilt mechanism on this machine used a thick string with an aluminum post. Of course this string would wear out quite fast and would break off so I did not add tilt to this machine due to the fact that the machine itself is so tough - to make this understandable: I have NEVER won any free games above 3. Not joking, this is how tough this table is. I tested this table hundreds of times with very little luck.

Read the rules text for a bit more information and a little more retrospect on this one. Once you start to play you'll understand this is one EVIL machine.

Not all of the label was cleaned up as it was so intricate and only the center had to be read to see what the player won in free games. You can start the game here with a basic S keypress but if you win games you can also play those by pressing F to keep your "Played" games count lower.

"Played" games and "Free" games are recorded and saved everytime you play and return to the game.

What took so much time for this release is the play field redraw. I was sent a nice image but it needed so much work to clean it up (it was super dirty from age and had extra holes drilled into the play field itself). The result is a pretty nice looking play field. I left as much as I could to keep the original artwork at it's best.

I will admit that if you keep your shooting and nudging controlled, you may just beat my scores easily. This table is very fun for as basic as it is. I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I loved making it. I've wanted to create this machine in Visual Pinball since the beginning but never was able to find decent images or photos until now. A special thanks goes out to Joe Marquez for the images I used.

PS: Use the OUT HOLE to your advantage. By getting rid of one or two balls out of the way can make a massive difference in free plays added to your free games tally. To hit the out hole however is NOT as easy as it looks. This is one of the RARE machines where balls in the out hole can make things so much easier for winning.

Enjoy and I look forward to hearing what your best scores and free games are! If you can score 6 or 36 I would be completely amazed and to do this you must place ALL SIX BALLS into holes (six balls in holes numbered 1 or six balls numbered 6). Good luck.

INCLUDED IN THE ZIP FILE: Readable Ticker right side label, Rules and the Ticker VPX file.
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Latest reviews

Love the playfield artwork on this - thanks for making it!
I too loved the artwork. Took FOREVER to clean this little puppy up! Enjoy the game.
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Another beauty! Thanks for your hard work
My pleasure. Have fun and GOOD LUCK.
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Another excellent flipperless recreation! Thank you!
My pleasure. Have fun!
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