1. xenonph

    VPX Stern SS Recreation NFL (Stern, 2001) Seahawks VPX

    xenonph submitted a new resource: NFL (Stern 2001) Seahawks VPX - Seahawks mod Read more about this resource...
  2. xenonph

    VPX Stern SS Recreation NFL (Stern, 2001) Chiefs VPX

    xenonph submitted a new resource: NFL (Stern 2001) Chiefs VPX - Chiefs Mod Read more about this resource...
  3. xenonph

    VPX Stern SS Recreation NFL (Stern, 2001) 49ers VPX

    xenonph submitted a new resource: NFL (Stern 2001) 49ers VPX - 49ers Mod Read more about this resource...
  4. xenonph

    VPX Stern SS Recreation NFL (Stern, 2001) Rams VPX

    xenonph submitted a new resource: NFL (Stern, 2001) Rams VPX - Rams Mod Read more about this resource...
  5. xenonph

    VPX Stern SS Recreation NFL (Stern, 2001) Bengals VPX

    xenonph submitted a new resource: NFL (Stern, 2001) Bengals VPX - Bengals Mod Read more about this resource...
  6. Ian (WVP)

    VPX Stern SS Recreation Austin Powers (Stern 2001)_Bigus(MOD) 2.0

    Austin Powers (Stern 2001)_Bigus(MOD) 2.0 New genuine playfield (thanks EBisLIT for the photo), lights, lighting, layout, physics, materials, script, graphics Available @ vpforums = https://www.vpforums.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=15316 (The Virtual Pinball Forums)
  7. D

    VP9 Stern SS Recreation Austin Powers (Stern, 2001) VP9 v1.02 [16-9] 2020-01-28

    TAB/Destruk, Version:1.02, Stern 2001, IPD No. 4504 Rom: https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/resources/austin.1540/
  8. D

    VP8 Stern SS Recreation Austin Powers (Stern, 2001) VP8 v1.01 2020-01-28

    TAB/Destruk, Version:1.01, Stern 2001, IPD No. 4504
  9. D

    VP8 Stern SS Recreation High Roller Casino (Stern, 2001) VP8 v1.1

    Destruk/TAB, Version:1.1, Stern 2001, IPD No. 4502 Picking multiball as a Roll 'N Win Award may throw the ramp out of sync. Quit and replay the table to correct, or change the ramp mechanics handlers in the script.
  10. D

    VP8 Stern SS Recreation NFL (Stern, 2001) VP8 v1.12

    Joep, TAB, Destruk IPD No. 4540
  11. PacDude

    VP8 Stern SS Recreation Monopoly (Stern, 2001) VP8 v1.3

    PacDude Version1.3 Stern 2001 IPD No. 4505 RULES:
  12. PacDude

    VP8 Stern SS Recreation Monopoly (Stern, 2001) VP8 v1.3Fast

    PacDude v1.3Fast This version uses less CPU time by sacrificing some flasher effects. Stern 2001 IPD No. 4505 RULES:
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