
  1. Lbyms

    Bally EM Recreation FP Vampire (Bally, 1971)

    Lbyms submitted a new resource: Vampire (Bally, 1971) - Bally Read more about this resource...
  2. Lbyms

    Bally EM Recreation FP Vampire (Bally, 1971) v1.1

    Vampire (Bally, 1971) IPD No. 2716 This is a table that I wanted to have on future Pinball and I made it for my pincab which I share with you It took a long time but here are the results C est une table que je voulait avoir sur future Pinball et je l ai fait pour mon pincab que je vous partage...
  3. Lbyms

    EM Original Table FP The Beatles Yellow Submarine Retro (Original) MOD

    Lbyms submitted a new resource: The Beatles Yellow Submarine Retro - Lbyms Read more about this resource...
  4. Lbyms

    EM Original Table FP The Beatles Yellow Submarine Retro (Original) MOD 1.1

    table de Yellow Submarine (stavmone)(1.0) mais avec un nouveau regard images et avec les medias table retro So it's only a wheel, but why did you take mine and remove Pup-pack and placed The Beatles at the top. Ask permission next time. You might be surprised at the answer. Learn how to make...
  5. angmarg52

    EM Recreation BAM FP BUMPER (Bill Port, 1977) v1.0

    Bumper / IPD No. 6194 / 1 Player Average Fun Rating: No ratings on file [ Be first to rate this game! ] Manufacturer: Bill Port, of Madrid, Spain Type: Electro-mechanical (EM) Serial Number Database: View at The Internet Pinball Serial Number Database (IPSND.net)...
  6. angmarg52

    EM Recreation BAM FP BUMPER (Bill Port, 1977)

    angmarg52 submitted a new resource: BUMPER (Bill Port 1977) - BUMPER (Bill Port 1977) Read more about this resource...
  7. angmarg52

    INDER EM Recreation BAM FP Shamrock (Inder, 1977)

    angmarg52 submitted a new resource: SHAMROCK (Inder 1977) - SHAMROCK (Inder 1977) Read more about this resource...
  8. angmarg52

    INDER EM Recreation BAM FP Shamrock (Inder, 1977) v1.0

    Shamrock / IPD No. 5717 / 1977 / 4 Players Average Fun Rating: No ratings on file [ Be first to rate this game! ] Manufacturer: Industria (Electromecánica) de Recreativos S.A, of Madrid, Spain (1970-1993) [Trade Name: INDER] Date Of Manufacture: 1977 Type...
  9. F

    Gottlieb EM Recreation FP Marble Queen (Gottlieb, 1953)

    Francisco Pozo Robles submitted a new resource: Marble Queen - EM Real Pinball Recreation Read more about this resource...
  10. F

    Gottlieb EM Recreation FP Marble Queen (Gottlieb, 1953) v1.0

    Marble Queen / IPD No. 1541 / June, 1953 / 1 Player Manufacturer: D. Gottlieb & Company (1931-1977) [Trade Name: Gottlieb] Date Of Manufacture: June, 1953 Model Number: 75 Type: Electro-mechanical (EM) Production: 1,000 units (confirmed) Serial Number Database: View at The...
  11. Anthias

    VPX EM Original Table Cat Burglars (Original)

    Anthias submitted a new resource: Cat Burglars - Meow! How much can YOU steal? Read more about this resource...
  12. Anthias

    VPX EM Original Table Cat Burglars (Original) v1.0

    An Anthias original theme. Wheel and B2s (2/3screen) included. How to steal: Break and Enter - if the ball hits hard enough the lane doors will let it through. This is break and enter. You can also break and enter by shooting the ramp to access the left area. Bumpers in these areas pay much...
  13. angmarg52

    INDER EM Recreation BAM FP Seven Winner (Inder, 1973)

    angmarg52 submitted a new resource: Seven Winner (Inder 1973) - Seven Winner (Inder 1973) Read more about this resource...
  14. angmarg52

    INDER EM Recreation BAM FP Seven Winner (Inder, 1973) v1.0

    Seven Winner / IPD No. 4407 / 1973 / 1 Player Average Fun Rating: No ratings on file [ Be first to rate this game! ] Manufacturer: Industria (Electromecánica) de Recreativos S.A, of Madrid, Spain (1970-1993) [Trade Name: INDER] Date Of Manufacture: 1973 Type...
  15. F

    Williams EM Recreation FP Wonderland (Williams, 1955)

    Francisco Pozo Robles submitted a new resource: Wonderland - EM Real Pinball Recreation Read more about this resource...
  16. F

    Williams EM Recreation FP Wonderland (Williams, 1955) v1.1

    Manufacturer: Williams Manufacturing Company (1944-1958) [Trade Name: Williams] Date Of Manufacture: April 26, 1955 Model Number: 130 Type: Electro-mechanical (EM) Serial Number Database: View at The Internet Pinball Serial Number Database (IPSND.net) (External site) Notable...
  17. F

    Williams EM Recreation FP Peter Pan (Williams, 1955)

    Francisco Pozo Robles submitted a new resource: Peter Pan - EM Real Pinball Recreation. "Star Feature" not included. Read more about this resource...
  18. F

    Williams EM Recreation FP Peter Pan (Williams, 1955) v1.0

    Peter Pan / IPD No. 1776 / March 29, 1955 / 1 Player Manufacturer: Williams Manufacturing Company (1944-1958) [Trade Name: Williams] Date Of Manufacture: March 29, 1955 Model Number: 123 Type: Electro-mechanical (EM) Serial Number Database: View at The Internet Pinball Serial Number Database...
  19. F

    Williams EM Recreation FP C.O.D. (Williams, 1953)

    Francisco Pozo Robles submitted a new resource: C.O.D. - EM Real Pinball Recreation Read more about this resource...
  20. F

    Williams EM Recreation FP C.O.D. (Williams, 1953) v1.0

    Manufacturer: Williams Manufacturing Company (1944-1958) [Trade Name: Williams] Date Of Manufacture: September 11, 1953 Model Number: 90 Type: Electro-mechanical (EM) Serial Number Database: View at The Internet Pinball Serial Number Database (IPSND.net) (External site) Theme...
  21. F

    Gottlieb EM Recreation FP Bank-A-Ball (Gottlieb, 1950)

    Francisco Pozo Robles submitted a new resource: Bank-A-Ball - EM Real Pinball Recreation Read more about this resource...
  22. F

    Gottlieb EM Recreation FP Bank-A-Ball (Gottlieb, 1950) v1.1

    Manufacturer: D. Gottlieb & Company (1931-1977) [Trade Name: Gottlieb] Date Of Manufacture: May, 1950 Model Number: 34 Type: Electro-mechanical (EM) Production: 816 units (confirmed) Serial Number Database: View at The Internet Pinball Serial Number Database (IPSND.net)...
  23. angmarg52

    Williams EM Recreation BAM FP Wonderland (Williams, 1955)

    angmarg52 submitted a new resource: Wonderland (Williams 1955) - Wonderland (Williams 1955) Read more about this resource...
  24. angmarg52

    Williams EM Recreation BAM FP Wonderland (Williams, 1955) v1.0

    Wonderland / IPD No. 2805 / April 26, 1955 / 1 Player Average Fun Rating: Needs More Ratings! 8.1 / 10 (3 ratings) [ Add Your Rating! ] Manufacturer: Williams Manufacturing Company (1944-1958) [Trade Name: Williams] Date Of Manufacture: April 26, 1955 Model Number...
  25. Lbyms

    Gottlieb EM Recreation FP Gold Strike (Gottlieb, 1975) MOD

    Lbyms submitted a new resource: Gold Strike (Gottlieb 1975) - Gottlieb Read more about this resource...
  26. Lbyms

    Gottlieb EM Recreation FP Gold Strike (Gottlieb, 1975) MOD 2024-09-18

    IPD No. 1042 table de Margoni relooker by Lbyms travaille de malade affaire Donner une nouvelle apparence, un nouveau look meilleur qualite graphique nouveau backglass et fait la roue media pour pinballx suite j ai du enlever la table j ai remarquer erreur graphique reparer et la remettre...
  27. Anthias

    VPX EM Original Table Death Note (Original) 1.2

    VPX rebuild of my 2010 vp8 table Wheel included B2S included. I have tried to make it two/three screen, but have no way to test the three screen, so if somebody with a three screen setup can advise if it works, that would be great so I can know I did it correctly and can replicate for...
  28. Anthias

    VPX EM Original Table Death Note (Original)

    Anthias submitted a new resource: Death Note - VPX rebuild of my 2010 VP8 table Read more about this resource...
  29. Anthias

    VPX EM Original Table Space Tug - Murray Leinster EM Tribute Series 6 (Original)

    Anthias submitted a new resource: Space Tug - Murray Leinster EM Tribute Series 6 - Number 6 in the Murray Leinster EM Tribute series Read more about this resource...
  30. Anthias

    VPX EM Original Table Space Tug - Murray Leinster EM Tribute Series 6 (Original) v1.0

    Number 6 in the Murray Leinster EM Tribute series Based on the novel Space Tug
  31. Anthias

    VPX EM Original Table The Wailing Asteroid - Murray Leinster EM Tribute Series 5 (Original)

    Anthias submitted a new resource: The Wailing Asteroid - Murray Leinster EM Tribute Series 5 - Number 5 in the Murray Leinster EM Tribute Series. Read more about this resource...
  32. Anthias

    VPX EM Original Table The Wailing Asteroid - Murray Leinster EM Tribute Series 5 (Original) v1.0

    Number 5 in the Murray Leinster EM Tribute Series. Based on the novel "The Wailing Asteroid"
  33. Anthias

    VPX EM Original Table The Forgotten Planet - Murray Leinster EM Tribute Series 4 (Original) 1.1

    4th in the series, EM Table themed on the Murray Leinster novel "The Forgotten Planet" Some updates to the series common script on this one which I will roll out to the others at a later date, Thanks Ichigo for the suggestions. A Note about the art: Although the artwork on this playfield was...
  34. Anthias

    VPX EM Original Table The Forgotten Planet - Murray Leinster EM Tribute Series 4 (Original)

    Anthias submitted a new resource: The Forgotten Planet - Murray Leinster EM Tribute Series 4 - 4th in the series, EM Table themed on the Murray Leinster novel "The Forgotten Planet" Read more about this resource...
  35. Anthias

    VPX EM Original Table The Last Spaceship - Murray Leinster EM Tribute Series 3 (Original) 1.1

    EM Table themed on the Murray Leinster novel "The Last Spaceship" light SPACE to light saucer. Hit that for multiball. Light LAST targets to light spinners x 3. Light SHIP targets to light bumpers x 3 light THE then hit the target again to set THE flashing. WHile flashing (25seconds) target...
  36. Anthias

    VPX EM Original Table The Last Spaceship - Murray Leinster EM Tribute Series 3 (Original)

    Anthias submitted a new resource: The Last Spaceship = Murray Leinster EM tribute series 3 - The third table in the Murray Leinster EM Tribute series Read more about this resource...
  37. Anthias

    VPX EM Original Table City on the Moon - Murray Leinster EM Tribute Series 2 (Original)

    Anthias submitted a new resource: City on the Moon - Murray Leinster EM Tribute Series 2 - Number 2 in the Murray Leinster EM Tribute Series, Based on the novel City on the Moon Read more about this resource...
  38. Anthias

    VPX EM Original Table City on the Moon - Murray Leinster EM Tribute Series 2 (Original) 1.2

    The second table in my Murray Leinster EM Tribute Series, based on the novel City on the Moon. B2S and wheel included.
  39. Anthias

    VPX EM Original Table Space Platform - Murray Leinster Tribute Series 1 (Original)

    Anthias submitted a new resource: Space Platform - Murray Leinster Tribute Series 1 - Murray Leinster Tribute Series 1 Read more about this resource...
  40. Anthias

    VPX EM Original Table Space Platform - Murray Leinster Tribute Series 1 (Original) 1.2

    This is the first in a series of EM style original tables dedicated to the science fiction novels of Murray Leinster. light SPACE kickers to light left kicker. Hit that for multiball. Light PLAT targets to light spinners x 3. Light FORM targets to light bumpers x 3 top lanes for bonus...
  41. eduguitar72

    VP9 EM Recreation Venus 5 Mod extraball (Recreativos Franco, 1973)

    eduguitar72 submitted a new resource: Venus 5 Mod extraball (Recreativos Franco 1973) - venus 5 mod extraball Read more about this resource...
  42. eduguitar72

    VP9 EM Recreation Venus 5 Mod extraball (Recreativos Franco, 1973) 2.1

    Venus 5 / IPD No. 5956 The same classic table with add extraball Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  43. eduguitar72

    VP9 EM Recreation Electric Road (Md of Italy, 1967)

    eduguitar72 submitted a new resource: Electric road (Md of Italy 1967) - electric road Read more about this resource...
  44. eduguitar72

    VP9 EM Recreation Electric Road (Md of Italy, 1967) v1.0

    Very nice pinball with much holes Enjoy!!!! ☺️ Electric Road / IPD No. 5364 / 1 Player
  45. Popotte

    Gottlieb EM Recreation BAM FizX FP 2001 (Gottlieb, 1971)

    Popotte submitted a new resource: 2001 (Gottlieb - 1971) - The pinball with the most drop targets! Read more about this resource...
  46. Popotte

    Gottlieb EM Recreation BAM FizX FP 2001 (Gottlieb, 1971) Fizx 3.3 V1.00

    2001 (Gottlieb, 1971) FizX 3.3 V1.00 IPDB No. 2697 NOTES: You must use BAM 365 or higher MOD UNAUTHORIZED WITHOUT EXPLICIT PERMISSION FROM THE AUTHORS You can access to the menu with the Special2Key. You can toggle (by the toggle HUD key) the HUD reel. If you use arrows for plunger (optional)...
  47. angmarg52

    Bally EM Recreation BAM FP Sky Kings (Bally, 1974)

    angmarg52 submitted a new resource: Sky Kings (Bally 1974) - Sky Kings (Bally 1974) Read more about this resource...
  48. angmarg52

    Bally EM Recreation BAM FP Sky Kings (Bally, 1974) v1.0

    Sky Kings / IPD No. 2196 / April, 1974 / 1 Player Average Fun Rating: 7.0/10 (13 ratings/13 comments) [ Add Your Rating! ] Manufacturer: Bally Manufacturing Corporation (1931-1983) [Trade Name: Bally] Project Date: October 04, 1973 Date Of Manufacture: April...
  49. eduguitar72

    VP9 EM Recreation Saturn (Nordamatic, 1977)

    eduguitar72 submitted a new resource: Saturn (Nordamatic 1977) - Saturn (Nordamatic 1977) Read more about this resource...
  50. eduguitar72

    VP9 EM Recreation Saturn (Nordamatic, 1977) v1.0

    Saturn / IPD No. 3723 / 1977 / 1 Player Amazing and very nice pinball from Nordamatic (Italy) Enjoy🙂
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